Chapter 4

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A/N: Remember to vote/comment/fan and spread this story. Send me a message or comment if you think that I should change something in the story… Well, yeah, enjoy!

Jessica’s P.O.V

I was listening to Al when we were walking out of the gates of the university but my mind was wandering away all the time to “James” though I doubt that that was his real name.

I smiled when I remember him smile at me. There was something with his smile that made me smile and I couldn’t take my mind off him. I think that I might fancy him but I’m not quite sure if it’s real or just something I imagine. Oh, and Irish accent is now my favorite, though Lizzy is Irish too, but hear accent isn’t as clear. Wonder how his eyes look like… (Remember that he wore sunglasses) I shook my head, I'm starting to sound like a love-sick 15 year old.

“Niall? Are you coming?” I heard some guys shout across the street and I looked up and saw Him. I was surprised because I didn’t think that I was going to see him so soon again and my heart started to rush when he smiled and waved at me, I felt my blood rush up my cheeks and I smiled back fast.

He recognized me and that made me really happy and I could feel sparks when I felt his gaze against me. He had sunglasses today too with a cute beanie. Damn, he’s hot. We were still looking at each other while he was walking to the lads that shouted before. I guess his real name is Niall, but I couldn’t shrug off the feeling I had seen him before, not just from the coffee shop. I wanted him to take off his sunglasses so I could see his face properly but before I knew it, I heard screams.

I saw him running away with the other lads whom I guess were his friends and I got confused. Some teenage girls were screaming “One Direction!” and ran after them. I turned to my friend and I saw that she was jumping and squealing. “ONE DIRECTION WAS JUST INFRONT OF US AND OMG, WE JUST BREATHED THE SAME AIR!” she screamed, waving her hands in front of her face and she was so hysteric that I tried to calm her down but it didn’t work.

I finally understood where I’ve seen him because Al had posters in her room of One Direction and I recognized that my mystery man was Niall Horan. It didn’t make me in a better mood though, that just meant that I’d probably not see him anymore and no way would he be interested of me when he had thousands of other girls chasing after him. I was just some random, ordinary girl he met once.

I sighed and started to walk back to our apartment with a hysteric and excited Al who fangirled a lot right now.

“I’m going now, I’ll see you later after work!” Al shouted when she was going out of the door.

“Bye” I replied from the living room. I was bored. Like really, really bored. I screamed out of frustration and took the remote control. I was already done with my homework, me and Lizzy did it between two classes and I had absolutely nothing to do.

Two years ago, I’d probably just call some of my many friends, but I’ve lost contact with all of them when I moved here about a year ago and I didn’t really know a lot of people here in London. I switched on the TV and flipped through the channels, there was nothing but gossip shows and I really disliked those kinds of shows so I closed the TV again.

I sighed and looked around the apartment; I guess you could say that I was quite lucky. It was luxurious with two big bedrooms, a living room, a modern kitchen (not that I really used it) and two bathrooms so me and Al didn’t need to share. When my mum bought this apartment, one of the rooms was empty and I felt quite lonely but then I met Al and we became friends.

When I heard that she was looking for an flat I offered her mine and we’ve been roommates ever since. She wants to pay for it, but I won’t let her, I don’t really pay for it, why should she?

Suddenly, I heard loud voices from the apartment over me and I looked up surprisingly. That apartment had been empty for a while and no one had lived there for a while, well at least until last week. I remember seeing some men moving in furniture upstairs but I never saw who moved in there and I didn’t recognize someone new around the building. After a while I heard thumping from the apartment upstairs and I looked up suspiciously, hope it’s not what I think it is, I thought and shuddered. Soon, I felt myself getting tired and my eyelids shut slowly.

Niall’s P.O.V

“GET OFF ME!” Zayn screamed while I and Louis were jumping up on the sofa and into his lap. Louis obeyed and moved into Harry’s lap instead and hugged him. “I HAVEN’T SEEN YOU FOR AGES, WHERE’VE YOU BEEN?” he screamed in Harry’s ear. “You saw me two seconds ago and please, don’t scream in my ear Boo Bear” he said and chuckled but hugged him back.

I bet the fans would love if they saw another Larry moment, but they couldn’t be like that in public because some actually believed that they were together and that annoyed us because we knew better, it was just a bromance.

I was still in Zayn’s lap when Louis kicked me. “OW, WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR?” I screamed while I fell down to the floor surprised. He laughed but I grabbed his foot and he fell down on the floor by me.

He hit me in the head and Zayn and Harry cracked up while I glared evilly at him.

“Calm down boys, you’ll disturb the neighbors’. What movie should we see?” Liam said, bringing 2 bowls with popcorn. I shrugged and took one of the bowls while Zayn walked to the small table by the TV and started to go through the DVDs. “Horror, comedy, action or romance?” he asked.

We argued for a while but Harry won so we started watching Titanic. Not that I had anything against it, but it made me think of Jessie, wondering if I’d ever meet her again. About an hour or so later, I was drifting to sleep and fell asleep in Liam’s lap.

Next morning I woke up when I heard something from the kitchen, my eyes fluttered open and I yawned. I saw Zayn and Liam still asleep so I guessed Louis and Harry were the ones making noises. I sat up and looked at the clock, 9:53 A.M.

I walked up and was slowly walking to the kitchen, and I can’t say that I saw something… nice. The kitchen was a mess and I smelled burnt bread. Harry was scratching his head and was watching the toaster while Louis was standing beside him and poking it with a spoon. He should take away the spoon because Liam would strangle him if he saw one.

“What have you done?” I said and looked at them. They turned towards me with a nervous look in their eyes. “Eh… Well, you see, we wanted to surprise you guys with breakfast, but Louis here-“Harry started and glared at Louis, “screwed up everything while I was in the toilet” he said. “THAT’S NOT TRUE! IF YOU DIDN’T LEAVE ME, THIS WOULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED!” he shouted angrily and crossed his arms over his chest.

I started to laugh and soon I felt my tears running down my cheeks, gasping for air. I haven’t even lived here in a week and they’ve already made a mess of the kitchen. I went back to the living room and shook Liam. “Liam, wake up” I told him but he just shrugged me off and turned to the other side.

“Liam please, Louis and Harry destroyed my kitchen” I said and shook him again. He opened his eyes and sighed. “Why can’t I ever leave those two alone” he groaned but got up and walked out to the kitchen. After an hour, when Louis and Harry had cleaned the kitchen, Liam made breakfast to us and we all ate by the kitchen table. Well, after we’ve woken Zayn, and that takes ages.

Since it’s only been about three days of vacation, and we had a month, Harry decided to travel to Cheshire for a week to visit his family, Louis to Doncaster, Liam to Wolverhampton and Zayn to Bradford. I thought of going to Mullingar to visit my family, but I met them just a week ago when we had our last concert in Ireland, so I decided to stay in London.

A/N:  Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors but English isn’t my native language so yeah… Anyways, don’t forget to vote, comment and fan! Fotment… see what I did there? :D A new word cause it’s easier and it have three meanings hehehehe…. Weird, I know, but anyways, stay updated! xoxoxoxox

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