Chapter 28

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Niall's P.O.V

"HI, WASHINGTON! ARE YOU READY FOR THE BEST TIME OF YOUR LIFE!?" Harry screamed into the microphone, making thousands of girls scream in glee. I looked over the big mass of girls and smiled slightly towards them, not feeling as excited as I used to. It has nearly been a week since our management gave Jessie and me restrictions and to be honest, it was damn hard to keep up with the rules. As we spent a lot of time outside, the most of the time I just looked at her from distance and she always gave me this sad smile, trying to keep everything up. Even when we were in the tour bus, we never had privacy and it was slowly killing me from the inside. Even the fans had noticed it, a couple of days ago, I scrolled through twitter and a lot of people had noticed that Jessie and I had barely been seen together. At least it seemed as the managements plan worked out, the rumors had slowly faded and the hate towards Jessie had stopped, but not entirely.

The intro to "I would" started and I started to prepare myself mentally to get through this concert.

"How did it go?" Jessie asked me and I shrugged. She was currently wrapped up in my arms, standing in a hotel room. We have two day off so we decided to check in to a hotel and relax.

"This sucks," I blurted out and she pulled me closer to her small body. Her beautiful eyes looked up at me and met mine, full of concern.

"It's just until your tour ends, we'll have plenty of time after that, right?" I nodded and rested my chin on the top of her head.

"Any plans for tomorrow?" I asked her and she tensed. My eyebrows knitted and I looked down at her in confuse.

"About that..." I waited for her to continue but she seemed insecure.


"I'm having some plans tomorrow...And I need to do it privately," she replied and I looked at her in confusion. Why couldn't she just tell me?

"Okay, I guess..." I tried to hide the hurt in my voice but she noticed it directly.

"I'll go in the morning and I'll be back by noon, don't worry Niall. We'll spend time together," she assured me and I nodded. She suddenly yawned and I sighed mentally. I know that it was late but these days we barely have time with each other and it keeps frustrating me.

"I should probably go to sleep now," she then said and gave me a sad smile. "You should too; you've been working hard these days." She kissed me softly on my lips, the kiss slow, sweet and tender, making my mind completely blank to focus on just her and her lips, sending electric shocks down my body as she wrapped her arms around me, my hands cupping her cheeks. Too soon, she pulled away and walked out of my hotel room, leaving me with only a lingering touch left on my lips.

Jessica's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open and I groaned as the light from the window hit my face. This was it, the day when I'd finally meet my brother after nearly eight years. I remembered the day when he left for college to the U.S.

"Why can't you just study here in the U.K?" I asked and peered up at my older brother, looking at him with sad eyes and pouting. The eleven year old me was still innocent and completely unaware of the big world around us.

My brother looked down at me, his brown eyes sad but in the same time excited. He bent his knees so that he was in the same height as I and grabbed my small shoulders, looking me in the eye.

Changes in life (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now