Chapter 24

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A/N: I love holidays, I have a lot more time to write, so yeah. Comment, vote, follow me and add this to your reading library. Oh, and I'm warning you, this chapter is...a little mature. So if you're uncomfortable with things know what I mean, don't read this... well not the ending at least, feedback appreciated xoxo

Niall's P.O.V

I pressed myself between the bodies and hurried away from the girl that I love. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks and some people that noticed where staring at me but I couldn't care less.

She was right. The woman was right. Relationships suck. I didn't think that Jessie would do that, she always seems so sensitive and innocent but I guess that was wrong. All women was the same, as soon as you turn their back, they're jumping up at some other poor guy. As as soon as I thought that, I knew that it wasn't true.

I ran out of the club, it had started to rain and I saw the confused looks from everyone and as soon as I heard Paul's voice I ran away to the opposite direction. The adrenaline rush made my legs move faster and the surroundings were blurry as my eyes were full of tears.

I had probably run for a long time and suddenly, I was in a park. My legs slowed down and I collapsed down on the grass, gulping down the air as I tried to calm down. I bent my knees and hid my face between them, wrapping my arms around them.

The rain was making me soaking wet and my clothes clamped on my body, making me shiver lightly. How could she? And Zayn, he's one of my best mates, he's like my brother and then he does something like that, I never thought he would do that. He's together with Perrie, he just cheated on her! I've met Perrie a couple of times and she's lovely, Zayn isn't worth her; he already cheated once on her and now this?

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration and tried to gather my thoughts.

Then, someone shouted my name and my head snapped up and looked at the direction the voice came from. I noticed the figure immediately, Zayn. He ran and was getting closer, slowing down when he was a couple of feet away.

"You've gotta listen to me, it wasn't as it seemed!" he burst out as he came and sat across me. I looked at his face and saw guilt and concern showing on his face. His hair was plastered on his face and his clothes were clasping his body.

"Really? Cuz to me, it seemed as you kissed my girlfriend and both of you cheated!" I spat out and gave him a glare, anger pulsing through my veins, making my body tense and my fists had the urge to connect with his face.

"We didn't mean to! Just let me explain," he pleaded with his eyes and I stayed quiet and stared at him, waiting for his answer.

"Well, it started at the game of Truth or Dare, when we were forced to kiss-"he started and I felt my eyes go red. I knew that something was wrong then as Jessie was acting weird after their kiss.

"And I was confused. Perrie and I had fought and I just wanted our relationship to be like yours and when I kissed her, I thought that I felt something and I guess both Jessie and I were confused. Then tonight, I wanted to see if I felt something, it was just to see if my feelings for Perrie still were there. And I asked Jessie for... help and she agreed and none of us felt anything, I swear! And please forgive her, it wasn't her fault, she's broken and she really loves you!" He burst out and I wanted to forgive them but I wasn't sure if I believed him. I looked at his face, trying to find something that gives away him, but I saw nothing but honesty.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"Never again," I mumbled and he gave me a hug.

"Sorry Nialler. You alright?" he asked me while I shrugged. I wanted to stay mad at him, but know that I can't do that. By some reason, I never could stay mad at people.

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