Chapter 11

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A/N: I know that some parts of this story are confusing, but I’ll try changing some things, and hopefully, it’ll get better. Thank you for the 450+ reads, it’s more than I thought that I would get. Please vote and spread this story. Fan me too if you want (hint- do it lol) :)

Niall’s P.O.V

“Hello, my little lovebird!” Louis screamed and ran towards me.

“Louis!” I replied and we hugged each other. “Where are the others?” he asked me.

“I don’t know, I’m waiting for all of you, and you were the first one here.” I said and looked towards the gate.

“Hey lads!” I saw Liam and Zayn walking towards us and we ran over and had a group hug.

“How are you? How was London alone?” Zayn asked and winked at me. Before I had time to answer, Harry jumped up on Louis’ back. Louis stumbled and fell down on the ground with Harry on his back and we all laughed. “Why did you fall BooBear?” Harry asked with a laugh and helped Louis get up. “Well, I don’t know Hazza. Maybe cause you caught me of guard, but I want my hug now,” he said and gave Harry a hug. Harry smiled and hugged back.

“So my little Nialler… I’ve heard that you have a female friend…Have you shagged her yet?" He asked me with a wink and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“What? No! We’re just friends!” I said, blushing.

“So? You could still sleep with someone even though you’re just friends. Like friends with benefits,” he said and I looked shocked at him. He started to laugh loudly, with tears running down his face.

“God, you should’ve seen your face!” he said while gasping for air.

“Harry, let him be. Don’t mock him already,” Liam said and hit him on the back of his head. Zayn and Louis were laughing too and I glared at them. “Just ignore them, they’re just jealous,” Liam said and gave me a comforting smile. I rolled my eyes and we went out of the airport, towards the car.

“I’ll drive!” Harry exclaimed, searching my pockets for the keys. “What are you doing?” I shrieked and tried to get out of his grip. “Give me the keys,” he said anxiously.

“You’re not driving, I’m driving!” Louis said and pushed him away and looked at me with puppy eyes.

“Put your bags in the trunk first, then you can decide who’ll drive,” Liam said and the listened. Before I realized it, Harry had tackled me and took out my keys from my back pocket.

“Oi! What did you do that for?” I asked him, sitting on the ground.

“LEYUM, TELL HARRY THAT I’M DRIVING! Louis screamed and I shook my head. “Just shut up, I’m tryna sleep!” Zayn screamed from the inside of the car. He already sat in the back seat and he actually looked really tired. “Harry, you’re driving. Louis, you know what management thinks of your driving skills…” Liam said and shrugged. Louis crossed his arms, but went to sit on the back seat by Zayn.

“So Niall, Niall…Who is this girl?” Harry asked me when we were in my apartment. “Her name is Jessica and she lives downstairs,” I said, while we all sat by the kitchen table and eating. Every conversation stopped and they all looked at me. “Like, downstairs… under your apartment?” Zayn asked me and raised his eyebrow. “Yeah, she lives there with her friend… Why?”

 “Why don’t we go and visit her then?” Louis asked and I shook my head. “We can’t just show up, oh, and her friend is a directioner,” I said hastily. “But if you’re friends, you can visit her, right?” Zayn asked me. I glared at him and he winked at me.

“Exactly! Let’s go now,” Louis said and jumped up from his seat. “But what if she isn’t home, we can’t just go there without a warning,” I said and looked at Liam for help. He seemed to get it, “I agree with Nialler this time.”

“You always agree with the leprechaun,” Louis said and sat down again.

“But what should we do today then?” Harry asked and looked at us.

“Well, there’s a funfair this night…” I said and we all looked at Liam with excitement. He rolled his eyes. “Sure, but we should at least try to not get noticed.”

“Funfar it is!” we all said in unison.

It was still early, so we all went to the living room. Zayn were drifting to sleep on the couch, me, Louis and Harry was watching a comedy while Liam was on Twitter.

“Niall, what is this?” Liam asked and I looked at him confusingly. “What is what?” I asked. “This,” he said and turned the computer towards me and the boys and I widened my eyes. Louis and Harry gasped while I was in shock. He showed a picture of me and Jessie, kissing. I cursed for myself, I had forgotten about the paps yesterday. “Well… that’s me kissing someone,” I answered uncomfortably and blushed.

“You said that you just were friends!” Louis said loudly and woke Zayn up. “Who were friends?” Zayn asked groggily and I cursed under my breath. “Our little Nialler have lied to us about his little friend.” Harry said cheekily and winked at me. Zayn looked at the picture and grinned.

“I guess you hit jackpot at the date yesterday?” Zayn asked and winked at me, I felt myself blush again. “Wait, what date?” Liam, Harry and Louis said in unison. Zayn looked surprised at me, “You didn’t tell them?” he asked me and I shook my head.

“What date?” Louis asked again. I took a deep breath, “I went out with her yesterday evening.” Harry looked at the picture again. “She has a nice chest and arse,” he said and winking at me. “Good job Nialler!” I rolled my eyes.

“How come you told Zayn but not us,” Louis said and fake sobbed into Harry’s chest. Harry patted Louis’ head and shook his head disappointedly at me, but I saw a hint of a smile on his lips.

“So, what is your relationship status? Have you spoken to management about this?” Liam asked. “I’ve spoken to Uncle Si and I’m allowed to see her, but I should keep her out of the public and I’m still single,” I answered him with a weak smile. He nodded, “Seems reasonable.”

“But you still haven’t told us how you met her,” Zayn said. I glared at him, but he just grinned. I looked around and saw that the others waited for an answer. I sighed, “When I was getting us breakfast last Sunday. She works in a coffee shop,” I answered awkwardly.

“Well, it seems like Niall’s in love,” Louis said and shook his head with a glimpse of humor in his eyes.

“I’m not in love!” I snapped and he raised his hands to show defeat. Louis whispered something in Harrys’ ear. They both started to giggle and I looked at them suspiciously. 

Zayn went back to sleep and Liam turned away again, back to Twitter and me, Louis and Harry went back to the movie.

It was finally evening and we were getting ready for an evening out. All of us had sunglasses, with beanies and hoodies.

“Remember to stick together,” Liam said and we all nodded, walking out of my apartment.

A/N: I know this chapter is short, but the last one was longer I think… Anyway, the next one is longer; I can tell you for sure and PLEASE vote/comment and spread this story! I’d appreciate it :)

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