Chapter 20

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A/N: Ugh, so right now when I'm writing this, I'm in a quite a pissy mood as my parents took my phone. They won't allow me to read stories in my phone, as it apparently makes my eyes even worse and I'll end up blind. Yeah right, that's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. Okay, sorry, I needed to write it off me. Remember to: VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW! <3<3

Jessica's P.O.V

Next morning I woke up and for the first time in ages, I didn't dream a single thing and it felt quite peaceful actually. I yawned, stretching my arms above my head. Images of last day flashed through my mind and I couldn't help the smile breaking through my face. It was really fun and I couldn't help myself thinking about Alison. She really needs a boyfriend and the way Harry looked at her when she fell asleep was cute. It seemed as he liked her and I would have a talk with him as soon as I can.

I yawned again and sat up, stumbling out of my bed and into the shower. I took of my T-shirt and boxers as I turned on the water and walked into the small cabin. The warm water rinsed me clean and after about 20 minutes later, I stepped out, grabbed a towel and walked out to my room.

"Morning Jess," Al shouted as she burst through the room, already wearing her clothes, which were a couple of white jeans shorts and a louse, flowy top.

"Morning, Al. You know that you don't need to scream. Sometimes I actually think that you're related to Louis," I told her and she shrugged.

"So... What 'cha doin'?" she asked me with an American accent and I couldn't help to laugh as she sounded ridiculous.

"I'm picking out my clothes," I answered her and stared into the closet, containing some of my clothes as the rest of them still were folded in my suitcase.

"Let me help you then!" she exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, I guess," I replied and she squealed, clapping her hands and starts going through all of my clothes.

"What are you doing here? Go and dry your hair woman!" she told me when she saw me staring at her. I shrug, grabbing my drier and walks into the bathroom. When I'm done, I walk out of the bathroom and saw my outfit lying in the bed. And well, even my underwear; she had picked a pair of black lace.

"Really Ali?!" I scream from my room and wait for a reply.

"Yeah, you gotta problem?" she scream back and I guess she is in the living room as the sound of her voice came from that direction. I sigh and start to dress. It was a couple of dark shorts, that ends just pass my bum and a tight, light blue top. I slipped on my white converse and walked out of my room, seeing Al sitting on the couch, watching SpongeBob.

"Really?" I ask her and she looks up, shrugging.

"There's nothing else on. Wanna go down and eat breakfast?" she asks me and I nod. We take the elevator to the second floor, where the dining room and the conference room is. Not that we need the second one, but yeah.

"Where's the boys by the way?" I ask her, suddenly remembering them.

"Interview, remember? I actually think that they're sending it on air soon," she trails off, looking towards the flat screen on the wall. I shrug, grab a plate and start to shuffle food on the plate. We sit down close to the TV and start eating. There's a comfortable silence between us as we eat, but it soon ends as she squeaks. I look up and see her pointing at the TV.

"This morning, we have special guests with us. Welcome, One Direction!" The man says and I see all of the boys walking in, smiling and waving at the camera.

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