Chapter 3

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A/N: Uploading chapter 3! I hope you like the story so far and vote/comment! Spread the story and make other people read my story. I might dedicate a chapter to someone if you make a lot of people reading this story. And don’t forget to add this to your library. Looove you xoxoxxoo

Jessica’s P.O.V

God, I hate my nightmares, but I guess it was my own fault. If I just wasn’t some spoiled brat, my dad would still be here and I wouldn’t hate my family.

Well, I don’t really hate them, it’s just that my mum always reminded me of whose fault it was all the time and I got tired. I have one older brother, but he’s in America and working as a lawyer and I haven’t talked to him for about a year or so.

I sighed and walked through the campus and into the building where my class was. “Hey Jessie!” I heard someone shout my name and saw Lizzy walking towards me. She’s a girl in my class and we sometimes used to work together during class. I smiled and she sat by my desk.

“How’s life going?” she asked with an easy tone. “Fine, just tired you know. Work, homework and just old, boring life...” I answered with a tired smile. “Tell me about it. I haven’t seen my boyfriend for ages and he doesn’t even answer my calls anymore. I’ll probably just break up with him.” I looked at her surprisingly. “I thought you loved your boyfriend? I mean, you’ve been together for ages.” “Well, yeah, but we doesn’t have that spark anymore and I think I might like David now.” She said with dreamy eyes.

I raised my eyebrow. David was in the same class as us and UNI’s hotty. Like everyone had a crush on him and even though we’re in Uni now, it did remind me of high-school because he had ALL of the girls chasing after him. To be honest, I personally thought that he was a creep, because sometimes he just shows up in the middle of a conversation and try to hit on me, not that I care. Me and Lizzy talked a little more but we stopped when the professor walked in and started class.

At lunch time, I walked into the cafeteria and saw Al sitting by Emma and Julia. She saw me and waved me over. “Hi, we’re planning to go to the funfair at Saturday and we wonders if you want to join us.” She said excitedly. Saturday, Saturday…. I had work, though I can probably go to the funfair a little later. “Yeah sure, though I might get a little late.” I said and smiled at her.

Niall’s P.O.V

“Louis, give back my phone!” Louis ran in to the living room and jumped up on my lap. Harry followed him and looked annoyed. “Niall, my Irish leprechaun, you need to help me from the evil Hazza Bear!” he said with a heroic voice. I looked at Louis face and he seemed so scared.

I started to laugh at the adult sitting in my lap. Harry stepped closer and tried to take back his phone but Louis squeaked and tried to avoid him and it made me laugh even harder. “Niall, stop laughing, you should help me!” he said but he started smiling and soon he cracked up. We laughed together and I could barely breathe. Harry seemed annoyed and yanked away his phone from Louis’ hand. “Pricks.” He mumbled and walked away. “Vas happenin?” Zayn said and came into the living room with Liam.

“Nothing, nothing” I answered him and tried to not laugh anymore. He shrugged and the two boys sat on the sofa.

“This is boring.” I said after watching TV for a while with the rest of the lads. Harry had walked in a couple of minutes earlier to join us but there was nothing to watch and Liam was in Twitter, following fans.

“Let’s go out.” Harry said. “But we could get noticed and then we will have fans and paps after us, and I’m way too tired to run.” Liam answered yawning. “Well, let’s put on a disguise then!” Louis exclaimed and started to jump on the sofa. “Yeah, because that’ll help” Liam said and rolled his eyes. “Well, for a while at least.” I answered and we all agreed to get out of Harry's and Louis' apartment.

We all walked out of the apartment building with beanies and sunglasses. The sun was shining, but it was chilly so we all wore hoodies too.

“What should we do?” Zayn asked. “Let’s go to Nando’s!” I squealed and started to jump. We haven’t been there for ages and I was getting hungry.

“Niall… we ate lunch two hours ago.” Liam said and rolled his eyes. I looked down and blushed; it felt more like two days. “Don’t be like that Liam, let’s go there anyways!” Harry exclaimed and I smiled towards him. He winked at me and smiled. So after a couple of minutes of arguing, we started to walk at the direction of Nando’s, and lucky for me, it wasn’t that far away.

We passed the university and I glanced to my side. Immediately, I recognized Jessie. I saw her walking out the gates with the girl I saw in the coffee shop, but that didn’t catch my attention. She. Was. Beautiful. The sun shined and I saw some light streaks of brown and her hair was curled. She had a smile on her pink lips and was listening to something her friend was saying to her. Her eyes glistered and the blue in her eyes showed. She was breathtaking and I wanted her.

“Niall? Are you coming?” I shook my head and saw the lads staring back at me. I realized that I was standing in the middle of the pavement and blocking the way. I turned my head to the right and saw Jessie staring at me with a confused expression and I knew she recognized me. I smiled slightly and waved towards her and she smiled back and her cheeks turned red immediately. I started to walk towards the lads, but my eyes were still stuck on her, well at least until I heard screaming.

I looked back and saw some teenage girls staring and pointing at us. Great. I ran to the lads and we started to run. “Hurry!” Liam said and we rushed down the street. After a couple of minutes I started to get tired and looked back. I didn’t see anyone running after us, so we slowed down.

“We should probably walk back to my flat” I said and the others nodded. It was the closest and none of us wanted public attention right now.

A/N: So that was chapter 3! Hope you liked it and if I get more reads and a couple of votes/comments, I’ll post the next chapter! Feel free to send me a message if you have something in your mind and need someone to talk to. I’d love to help and talk to my readers! :) xoxoxox

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