Chapter 9: Leave!

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Beta read by n1ch, Shigiya, Solitary heart and 8kagi




-Emerald Inn-


After a few hours of cooking and serving the customers, closing time had finally come. Normally people would beg for more food near the end, but with a threat of Archer banning them from the inn, quickly made them change their mind.

"Have a nice day, Archer-sama. I'll be going back to the forge and finishing up on some of my pending wares. These new additions to the village have brought in new business opportunities for me, hahahahahaha!" Jint's personality was a contagious one, but before it slowly tapered off and gave a slight scowl to the new group that entered the town. "Though I do wish that I could just… 'test' my weapons on those Kuroinu bastards." He whispered that last part, being conscious to not be overheard by the still present Maia, who was lazily looking at her nails, cleaning it of grime, while the Mayor had dozed off at some point and Brynn remained as vigilant to her surroundings, but she looked like she was getting tired of waiting as well.

"Stay wary of that woman, Archer-sama. Any former member of the Kuroinu is a rotten scum of society. I may respect her status as a Princess Knight… but I still can't bring myself to trust her completely, not when she still supports them." With his part said, the blacksmith left the Inn giving the Archer and Alice a last wave. And so, the last customer had finally left the establishment.

"Well?" Maia spoke, jolting the mayor awake, and Brynn looked to sit up straighter. "Think we can have the talk ya promised me."

"One second, I need to do one last thing." Taking off his apron, Archer went back into the kitchen to give Alice his next instructions.

"You want me to leave?" The girl was confused at his request.

"This is a private matter concerning my presence and actions. Your inclusion is not required and would only hinder the talk. You'll just be inviting trouble for yourself. Leave the talking to me and go get some rest." He had patted her head, much to the young girl's frustration. "I am in no danger here, so don't do anything stupid like last time and create more headaches for me, okay?"

"You treat me like a burden…" She muttered, not happy with his decision, giving him a pout.

"Because you are." Archer didn't bother holding back his words, he was never a fan of beating around the bush… when it wasn't convenient for him that is. "You're a headache, a chore, and a terrible cook who might poison someone in the future at some point if I didn’t intervene. But you're my problem, so just stay put somewhere and don't cause a scene."


Alice once again kicked his legs full force, but immediately regretted it as she felt like she broke her foot instead! "Are you made of steel or something you ass!?"

"It's complicated." The smirk on his face seemed to just to piss her off.


"Nothing, just an inside joke." Not wanting to bring up the matter around his Reality Marble and its effect on his body—how would you explain to someone the Idea of once having the ability to heal all kinds of wounds with tiny swords? Not to mention the added benefit of possibly dying if it got out of control. Well, not that it would happen this time around, he no longer had Avalon inside his body.


The Everdistant Utopia, a scabbard that once held the majestic holy sword, Excalibur. A sheath that he used to hold inside him, but which in the past, after losing his way, the sheath lost its meaning and thus returned to the World. Sometimes, stray thoughts of how Saber would react, if she learned of his life passed through his mind. Maybe the King of Knights would sympathize with him? Be disgusted by his choices? He couldn't know, after all, he didn't really have the time to find out during the Grail War. Though she was as stubborn as that fool, her resolve wouldn't change.

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