Chapter 31: An agreement

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Beta read by Shigiya, Fluffy Slayer and DOOMRAIDER.





He remembered feeling nothing but rage at that moment, a fury so possessive it nearly consumed him. He'd wanted them dead—every single last one of those wretched demons. Be they orcs, goblins, imps, it didn’t matter… It must be done

Archer was no stranger to bloodshed. He'd seen countless die, even the children were no exception. Experiencing generations of war after war had desensitised him. Yet when he saw Maia's body lying in a puddle of her own blood and Brynn's near-death state as she was about to be violated by that monster, he lost it. 

Maybe it was the culmination of the horrors he witnessed that slowly pushed him over the edge. Or just seeing the horrid state of someone that he took as a pupil. Whichever the case, it brought forth memories from a long-forgotten past, one where Shirou Emiya couldn’t save an innocent girl from a living hell.

Maia’s state as well proved to be a factor, triggering flashbacks of those he promised yet failed to protect. He'd seen Rin die in a few versions of the Grail War, sometimes because of his own weakness as a Servant, other times because he couldn't be there for her. He never had time to grieve or mourn, for she would reappear in front of him with that familiar frown of hers. A twisted yet comforting knowledge that no matter what, he always had another chance. But was this the case with Maia? He wouldn't get another chance, there was no do-over this time. 

Nor for Brynn, the first ever Knight he encountered in this world. At first, she was nothing more than a nuisance, chastising and hounding him at every turn, a standard soldier who followed every order to the letter, while wearing clothes that were more suited for a porno shoot. 

In an ironic twist of fate, he watched her grow remarkably in such a short amount of time. She desired justice, that was clear, but to reach that goal she needed to be stronger.

Sacrificing her role as a Knight, kneeling to a man she once considered a dark mage, going against her superiors just to protect him, and striving to gain his approval with her training. 

To watch that dream be shattered by a monster, seeing her missing arm and broken eyes look at him with a clear message behind them; 'I'm sorry and goodbye.' 

He shouldn't have been so open, why did he allow himself to place much importance on these people? In a few days, they would become nothing but a memory once he returned to Alaya. 

'Why forge useless bonds when they're destined to break?' 

He didn't know, or why he even bothered, Archer was just as clueless about this matter.

One of these wouldn't have caused him to lose control of his emotions, he was normally numb to tragedies at this point. Yet the neverending horrors and cruelty he’d observed here had reached a boiling point… He just couldn’t bear to let this go any further. 

Swiftly, Archer called forth several weapons as he tore into the Orcs that were in the area. Kanshou and Bakuya have hacked off the arm of the beast that was holding Brynn. A red mist engulfed his view, whether it was rage or the blood that coated his face, he didn't know. 

"HRRIIII!!" The Orc squealed in pain, blood spurting from his limb. 

Archer proceeded to rescue Maia and Brynn, having decapitated the squealing Orc, and set them against a tree. The area was still infested with goblins and imps emerging by the hundreds, along with the Orcs and Trolls… Growling at this sight, he retreated to a defensive position, making sure to get the attention of the monsters—keeping them far away from the two women. 

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