Chapter 52: Archer and Celestine Part 2

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Beta read by Shigiya and Fluffy Slayer






Dawn, the moment when the first glimmer of sunlight illuminates the sky above the Kingdom of Claudia. Many of its residents were stirring from their slumber,  embarking on their customary tasks. The farmers commenced the labor of their fields, while bakeries flung open their doors, diffusing the mouth-watering aroma of freshly baked bread throughout the streets. Meanwhile, the commands of captains resonated as they directed soldiers in their morning training routine. 

On this day, a vast assembly of Knights gathered at the training grounds nestled within the castle’s fortifications. Engaging in rigorous drills of swordsmanship and spearmanship, They donned their customary armor, sweating profusely as sweat trickled down their skin, followed by grunts as they slashed their blades at the many straw targets dispersed in the courtyard. 

Claudia's voice resonated from the sidelines, echoing throughout the vicinity. Compelled by her presence and driven by an urge to excel, the girls poured everything they could muster into each attack. Their fear of getting chewed out by their Princess Knight surpassed the pain and soreness ravaging their bodies. 

"That's better," She remarked, examining their moves with a discerning gaze. Yet today, she wasn't as active as before, choosing to delegate certain tasks to the captains and having them oversee the training of the troops on her behalf. Her head was plagued by thoughts that distracted the woman from giving her fullest today. "Hah, Sara, you'll take over. I'll be going back to my quarters. Make sure they don't slack off, understand!?" 

"Yes, Ma'am!" 

With that matter handled, the brunette retreated inside, much to the confusion of everyone. Claudia Levantine was undeniably the most strict and hardworking person they knew, never skipping a training session and consistently barking out commands until the sun rose completely. Witnessing her withdraw before they had even reached the midpoint of their exercises left many flabbergasted. 

Whispers began to circulate as people queried among themselves regarding the circumstances surrounding their leader. Amongst the newcomers, much gossip centered around Claudia's husband and his current predicament. Many gasped at the whole revelation, finding the story heartbreaking, and pitied their charismatic leader who still stayed strong after all that.

"Stop dilly-dallying around and return to your position. I have been tasked by Claudia-sama to resume our training, so don't make me look bad when she eventually returns!" silence swiftly enveloped the scene as everyone promptly redirected their attention to their respective exercises. 

Though they enjoyed gossiping, conducting it behind Claudia's back felt unfair and distasteful. Their respect for her was far too profound to engage in such behavior. Nonetheless, the rumors gradually  spread around town, particularly many of those who had borne witness to The Princess Knight’s rampage across the Kingdom in search of a specific individual.

Now with all the dots aligned,  realization finally dawned on them. The son of the Levantine family’s patriarch had been abducted and tortured, to the point of becoming a partial vegetable inflicted with paralysis. Some even claim he got neutered and raped, and the claims get worse with each passing moment.

As this happened, Claudia reentered the castle. A mild headache pulsed at her temples, a result of days, perhaps even a week, without sleep. Her role as a Princess Knight endowed her with a constitution that surpassed the endurance of an average human; she could stay awake longer than the average human effortlessly. However, even such resilience had its limits, and she was coming close to it.

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