Chapter 12: Hicks

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Beta read by n1ch, Shigiya, Solitary heart and 8kagi





As time passes, memories tend to fade, they become blurry and twisted; before being completely forgotten in the depths of the mind.

The tragedies, precious moments which made him smile, laugh, rage or cry, turned to dust. Even those he once knew, became broken shards of unrecognisable shadows and faces.

Yet despite all this, some memories stay untainted, memorable to the tiniest of details.

But his memories were… complicated; to say the least.

Sometimes, Archer wished he could just start all over. To truly forget his past, with a clean slate and just live a normal life.

Even though it was something he would never be granted.

A dream, a wish, a desire above all else; just like every other Heroic Spirit who heeds the call of the grail.

Some wished to be alive once again.

One wished to change history.

A few wished to be reunited with their loved ones so on and so forth.

For Archer, he used to desire the death of his past self, to cause a paradox strong enough to erase his existence and free himself from his duty.

A desperate effort, a selfish goal, but it was not the outcome that he had expected.

But oh well, that was the past.

He had changed and as some would say, turned over a new leaf.

But had he really?

Or was he just subconsciously clinging to a promise out of desperation…

Archer didn't want to know the answer.

He had learned long ago that some things are best left unsolved.



In the bathroom of the main palace, where the deity all of the common folk worshipped, the absolute ruler of Eostia, was Celestine Lucross.

Wearing nothing on her person, she sat comfortably inside the marble sauna pool of the palace bathhouse. Wet droplets cascaded down her form that offered a vision that enticed any mortal to gaze on her form. Even her loyal maids, who have been by her side for most of their lives, could not stop themselves from gazing on her with desire and want, as their faces burned with embarrassment from these feelings for their goddess. With fair skin that showed no sign of blemishes or scars that could ruin this perfect beauty and a delicate face that could charm any person with just a smile, she truly was a Goddess in mortal form. Nothing was obstructing the view of her naked ample breasts that could rival most women in their size, with cherry pink nipples that looked delectable to taste, and push some to just grab a handful for all their worth and a curvaceous body, a toned form that was neither soft nor hard, wide childbearing hips, a bottom that could gather the attention of any passerby as they watched her leave and not a single ounce of body hair was visible on her form.

She was the dream of many men and women who would fight wars to obtain.

Truly, the handmaids felt blessed to see this perfect view everyday, as well as tormented to never be able to touch other than their dreams.

While viewservants enjoyed the view of their leader's perfect form, Celestine didn't pay attention to anyone in the room, as her mind was lost in her thoughts.

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