Chapter 28: Attack

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Beta read by Shigiya, Fluffy Slayer and DOOMRAIDER.




-Geofu Border-

From the landscape to the travelers along the path, crossing the border was visually captivating.

What previously was a barren road with dense forests spanning for miles -- was now becoming mountainous. Valleys now covered their vision. The landscapes cast a shadow along their rocky path which they continued to traverse through.

Maia mentioned Luu-Luu's Kingdom being solely focused on forging weapons and armor for the entirety of Eostia. They were the central hub, the core of all gear and weapon-related creations. Some of the mountains had tunnels leading to the iron mines located deep inside the earth.

The miners that Archer saw were definitely not human, standing only around half his size and being twice as wide, they certainly didn't look human. Unlike Ken where people would stop and bow toward the passing Maia and Knights, here no one seemed to care about them.

Archer soon learned that these people were none other than dwarves, with pickaxes and sacs filled with iron ores, they continued with their work, not sparing them a second glance. Although some did give Archer a confused look before ignoring him once again.

"Quite welcoming they are these savages." Kin mused, shaking his head at their ignorance Not showing their respect to a Princess Knight and a court mage like himself? Yeah, nothing but savages.

These Dwarves probably didn't even know who they were, to begin with.

"I just think they don't care," Archer commented, liking the mannerism of these people. "They mind their own business and continue with their work. Maia may be a Princess Knight but bowing down isn’t feasible in their eyes." Judging from their hastiness, a tight schedule is probably the reason.

All around him, all he could hear was the sound of metal hitting rocks and shouts. No one talked much, no one laughed and no one messed around.

"Hmm, if you say so. Though this doesn't change them from being savages."

Arched believed they both had different definitions of the word.

"Knock it off," Maia interjected. "We are in Luu-Luu's territory now, this may only be the border but it's still wise to not cause trouble with the dwarves operating in these regions."

Archer was plagued by this uneasiness in the air, but couldn’t put his finger on it. Almost like being stranded in the middle of a hurricane. It was like a silent buzz at the back of his mind, silent enough for him to miss it if he wasn't focused—nearly slipping through his fingers as he traveled down the charcoal-stained road.

There was this smell lingering in the air… it felt both unnatural and foreign. His hawkeye ability focused on every single detail in front of him. Every rock, every leaf, and every single person was inspected for any particular feature. Yet he couldn't find anything, everything looked normal.

It wasn't Hicks' plan that was giving him this feeling, it was something else.

"Dwarves are known for their work ethic." The redheaded woman said, catching his attention as he continued to hear her speak about the race working under Luu-Luu. "They are the toughest workers in Eostia, willing to carve a boulder with their bare hands if asked to. They are dedicated, passionate, and hardworking when it comes to their craft."

"Smithing and forging, I presume."

"Yup! These bastards are the best workforce you could ask for in all of Serenus. Always so serious and silent, often tight-lipped with any foreigner. They even got their own patron deity, a Dwarven God who rules over the aspect of war, smithing, and so on. Though I never heard of them having this god living amongst them like Celestine."

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