Chapter 22: Hot Springs part 1

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Beta read by Shigiya, Fluffy Slayer and DOOMRAIDER.





The sounds of horses approaching were overheard by the stationed gate guards. Sol and his men made sure to quickly finish inspecting the regular folks before hastily getting in position to salute what looked like to be the vice leaders of the Kuroinu-Hicks, and Kin.

"Shit, Hicks came back. I'll have to tell my daughter not to leave the house so often now." muttered one of the guards, glaring at the dual wielding mercenary.

"Be careful of your words. With the unexpected death of the Blueborn head and the fire to his mansion, I can say for certain that Hicks won't be happy." Sol said, while also adding, "Try not to mention anything about Shielder. I heard he hung out with Bianca gal every day."

"It's Archer, sir. And he already left Ken with Maia-sama early in the morning. I don't think Hicks will try to find any sort of trouble with him when the Princess Knight is close by."

Sol shook his head.

"You never know with these kinds of people. They take actions without thinking of the consequences first."

Both Kin and Hicks were quite well known across Eostia. Of course, one was a well-respected mage who pioneered in the art of magic and was considered to be one of the best human mages in history. While the other couldn't be said the same, he is quite infamous with his reputation, though in most cases, that got overshadowed by his network of connections with the many nobles who covered for him on many occasions for his heinous actions, thus was never punished by the Princess Knights.

"Stay sharp, men!" Sol shouted to his subordinates as everyone straightened their backs and gave a salute to the approaching Kuroinu, some more reluctant than others.

The figures in the distance started to get closer and closer till a group composed of dozens of Kuroinu men in full battle gear arrived on horseback. With both Kin and Hicks at the front, leading everyone to Ken. The mage's gaze focused on the Kingdom itself, completely blank without a single emotion leaking from his face whatsoever as his glasses glinted from the sunlight. That couldn't be said for his partner, whose smirk could be seen from miles away, while arrogantly looking down on them.

"Kin-sama, Hicks-sama! Glad to have you back in Ken safe and sound."

Sol walked forward and greeted the returning members.

"Hmmm, Kin, you deal with the people here. I have a reservation with a very special girl!"

Hicks didn't even stop his horse and continued to ride inside the city. Neither of the guards tried to stop him or take away his horse, as doing so would be no different than asking to be killed. The regular people made way for him as many did not wish to be trampled by his horse or get the attention of the man in any way, especially the women.

That man's roguish behavior gave Kin a headache. Keeping such people in line was Vault's area of expertise, not his. He'd rather spend most of his days locked inside his research workshop after having to endure staying a few days in Shamuhaza's disgusting insect-filled shithole that they liked to call their 'Sanctum Sanctorum' as well as that fanatical lunatic. This made Kin wonder if those bandages the people of the Insect God cult wore were for masking the foul stench.

"How is Maia-san doing?" he asked, wanting to get updated on any recent news.

"As usual, a few weeks ago, she went to investigate a certain distress call for help from a nearby village called Grünes Bergdorf, which a large number of the Dark Queen's demons managed to infiltrate. She brought along her cavalry forces to the village but found no such demons. She returned and has been spending most of her time in her castle as usual."

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