Chapter 27: Anna and Grace

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Beta read by Shigiya, Fluffy Slayer and DOOMRAIDER.




-Heilung Dorf-

Following what occurred in the tavern and nearly getting captured by Kin, Archer hastily retreated back to his room. Hicks had wandered away somewhere in a drunken state, giving him the opportunity to leave with the two women before another incident occurred. He even went a step further and set a quick bounded field to dampen any sounds in the room and to ward off anyone that wanted to make a surprise visit—in case some passerby got a bit too curious about the conversation.

He was back in his room.

Along with his ‘guests’.

Arms crossed and with furrowed brows, Archer wasn't in a good mood at all. Probably a mixture of anger, confusion, curiosity, and frustration. The emotions all rolled inside of him for the last few minutes as he looked at the two kneeling women in front of him.

Both elves were fully clothed, making him sigh in relief, not having to worry at staring at their naked breasts. Their hair was a mess and their skin glistened from sweat from earlier. Being nearly caught twice in the same night while in a… compromising position weighted harshly on their emotions if he had to make a guess. And having to hide in the end without making a sound while a mage pointed a fire attack surely took the cake.

Oh, and he couldn't forget about Hicks basically talking out loud about how he was planning to kill him, raid the village and take the girls for himself in that order… yeah, more reason for this conversation to happen.

Grace looked to be the most embarrassed of the group and was on the edge of crying.

Anna kept her usual cold face without displaying any emotions aside from closing her eyes and waiting for him to speak first, probably.

"Alright," he started, just wanting this night to be over, but a bit of frustration seeped in his voice. "This night certainly was chaotic, to say the least. Things happened so quickly and suddenly that I didn't have much time to process all of them. So before I start demanding for an explanation for the violation of my personal space—tell me what led you two to have sex during the middle of the night while in the tavern without locking the place!?"

That felt like a good place to start.


Neither of them responded.

"Well? We don't have all night, I just like both of you would like to return to my bed and sleep and forget about this whole ordeal. But unfortunately for both of us, this kind of thing just demands an explanation." 

Archer didn't care about a lot of things. Choosing to ignore certain things in life and have an 'I don't care' attitude was one of his personality's core aspects, but there was a limit to that. Some things may happen, so out of the water and so shocking, that they required to be explained.

He felt a bit of pity for the mayor. Two people already kissed his soon-to-be wife before their wedding. One of them happened to be the local Dark Elf and some random nobody who just happened to be passing through the village. While the latter stumbled in the middle of both women possible having sexual relations if the sounds were any indication. Of all things in his life, the last thing Archer expected was to end up having to deal with an affair.

In hindsight, even fighting in the Grail War didn't give him such a headache—and he fought against the King of Heroes multiple times. 

"W-We're sorry!" Grace cried, prostrating forward in a perfect dogeza. "I-I didn't want such a thing to happen… It's my fault for fo-forgetting to close the tavern doors. I usually close it without issue, but Anna surprised me and I forgot to do it!"

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