Chapter 9 - Hidden Truths

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Waking up a few hours later, Tara rolls over to reach for Cory and notices he's gone. Alarmed, she gets up with a robe and ties it before walking into the living room, where she smells breakfast.

"Good morning," Tara calls out, not to alert Cory.

"Hey. I'm sorry about last night. Hopefully, I can make up for it with food this morning. I ran out and got some stuff for you."

Tara sticks her nose in the air taking in a whiff of Southern Honey Ham with a glaze with applewood smoked bacon, grits, fried potatoes, and canned biscuits as Cory attempts to make white gravy, "Oh my goodness, that smells so good! Do you need help with any of it?"

"Nah. I pulled up some YouTube videos and followed the directions. It's pretty easy stuff," Cory replies in a somber tone.

Trying to pull a swerve, noticing the depressive tone, tries not to pry, but her gut instinct churns that something is off. CJ also throws an added wrench to the situation when he runs from his bedroom and tries to tackle his mother, "Mommy! Can I have some cereal?"

"No, daddy's making us breakfast, and it wouldn't be polite not to try his food."

Cory doesn't turn around when he retorts, "If he wants cereal, then let him eat it. Don't force CJ to try things he may not like to eat. So what cereal do you want, little man?"

The tension within Tara leaves her blood running cold, but her attention returns to CJ when he cries out for his favorite cereal, Fruit Loops. Cory finds it in the bottom cabinet and pours CJ a bowl without milk.

"Thank you, dad," CJ says when he picks up the bowl from Cory.

"You're welcome, little buddy. Go on and eat with some cartoons."

Feeling anxious, Tara takes a seat at the table, and Cory surprises her with a glass of orange juice. After a couple of deep breaths, Tara's hands tremble ever so slightly, and Cory refuses to turn around to make eye contact. The pulsing aura feels bitter and closed to open communication, but Tara can't bring herself to speak up out of fear that Cory could snap in front of CJ.

"I know you're wondering what's wrong, and all I can say is that what I felt when I woke up rattled me. Sleep wasn't much of an option, so I got up and went to the store. I also called the VA to confirm my appointment, and I'll discuss things in group. I thought I could turn the corner on my own, but I need more help. While I'm there, I'll talk to the jobs department to try to find something part-time. My test is in a few weeks, and if I pass, it'll take some time for me to get the results, and then I can apply for better jobs."

Finally able to summon the courage, Tara pushes the glass of juice back, "You're scaring me right now. I thought you was going to lose it and hurt yourself or me. Now, you're here cooking breakfast, and you took away my authority with CJ. Do you need us to leave to have some time to work out your issues?"

Cory doesn't stop as he takes food off the gas-powered stove and kills the burners, "I don't know what to say other than I didn't mean to scare you. If you knew what goes through my mind, it would make you run to where you wouldn't return. I can't put on a straight face right now, so please forgive me."

Fear and concern take over, and Tara gets up and nudges Cory out of the way to place the food on plates and set them on the table. She doesn't see his face, but Tara does walk away for a moment to tend to CJ, "Sweet pea, why don't you go get your school clothes and get ready while I talk to daddy, okay."

"Okay, mommy, I love you, daddy!" CJ says and calls out.

With CJ out of the room, Tara returns to find Cory at the table with his hands covering his face, "Cory, look at me, please," she takes a seat with a hand touching the back of Cory's hand, "I said look at me, please."

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