Chapter 10 - Protecting Lloyd

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Busy with another wedding, Tara leaves Cory and CJ to spend the weekend together. This time, Cory takes CJ to RiverCreek to spend time with Lloyd at his request, "Hey Core, Little Dude, thanks for coming down this weekend. Please, make yourselves at home. How are things going, and how is the ever so lovely Tara doing?"

"She's great but working more wedding receptions. I'm freshening myself for the nursing exams, and CJ loves learning about cars here. I may have a future mechanical engineer on my hands," Cory says with pride.

"Seriously! I mean, I don't doubt the passion for cars, given how much you love them. Your dream car was a Mark IV Supra, and I remember that much and how obsessed you were with owning one. Speaking of which, do you still have plans for medical school?"

With the mention of continuing his education, Cory dips his head to avoid the hurt in his eyes, "No. I had that dream, but now I've shifted my focus to making a better life for CJ and Tara. I can make a good living as a nurse, and I may study on working to become a Physician Assistant after CJ gets a little older."

"I can respect that decision. But, on the subject of futures and life. I have some news and a question to ask," Lloyd begins while rubbing his hands over the other.

Cory has an idea of what's about to be revealed, but he doesn't want to ruin the moment for one of his best friends. It takes Lloyd a little time to blurt out what's on his mind.

"Simon and I are getting married, and I want you to be my best man. Will you be my best man at my wedding?"

Without missing a beat, Cory firmly puts his hand on Lloyd's shoulder, "It will be my honor to be right there beside you. Why me, though? Rick's just as worthy as I am."

Lloyd doesn't mince words or waste time with his response, "I thought about which one to ask, and you were the first person I came out to and accepted me for who I am. Being gay in this town was frowned upon, and it cost my mom and me a lot. But, you and Rick never left my side or let anyone bully me for coming out. That's something I can never repay," Lloyd says, nearly in tears.

"What matters is on the inside of a person. You could have bright pink hair and a cheesy porn mustache, and I'd still be proud to stand beside you. We were raised to see what's inside a person and not judge by the lives and choices we've made. You're one of my best friends, and you always will be; plus, I can call Simon my adoptive brother-in-law."

Lloyd's moved by the kind words. So much so that he pulls Cory in for a hug. CJ stands there feeling left out, "Unky Lloyd, can I be I your wedding too?"

The sound of CJ's voice is enough for Lloyd to break the hug from Cory and get down on one knee to look CJ in the eyes, "How would you like to be my ring bearer? That's an important job. You get to bring Uncle Simon and me our wedding rings."

"Are they big rings like the one my mom wears?"

"That is an excellent question, little Cory. While your mom has that beautiful ring your dad gave her, our rings are going to be smooth with our names etched into them. Your mom's ring is gold; ours are going to be silver."

CJ's face lights up, "That's one of our favorite colors!"

Not far off, a bystander who knows of Lloyd screams at him after seeing him drop down to CJ's level, "Hey! Yo! Homo, get away from that child, you rapist-looking son of a bitch."

Instantly boiling with rage, Cory runs and finds himself so close to the guy's face that he can smell the beer on his breath. Lloyd and CJ stand there, afraid of what will happen between Cory and the stranger with a crew-cut hairstyle and handlebar mustache.

"You want to say that bullshit again?" Cory demands.

"Sure will; you and your little homo friend best go pack your asses and leave that kid alone. The last thing this world needs is more faggots trashing it up. Now, boy, get out of my face before I bitchslap you like your momma should've."

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