Chapter 29 - To the Rescue

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For the next few weeks, things continue to run smoothly. Rick tries to keep an eye on Olivia from a distance at night since she's still uneasy about someone prowling around. Rather than being spotted in the garage work truck, Rick parks his old van from high school on the street and unhooks the battery, so the lights don't give him away when he gets in and out of it.

Each night Rick stakes out the store for about three to four hours, then returns home. One night, he shows up late when Dawson has a basketball game. Unaware that he's not watching her back, Olivia hurries through her paperwork and deposit slips, but she forgets to check the cameras before walking out the door when she locks up. With her back turned, Olivia hears footsteps and assumes it's Rick, "Hey, I think it's about time we..." she stops after a loud click with the barrel of a gun jammed into the middle of her back.

"Okay, I don't know what you want, but if it's money, you're after it's inside. Just don't shoot me, please."

A deep male voice pushes the end of the gun further into Olivia's back, "Yeah, money is good, but I'm here to send a message. One of your little southern belles attacked my girl, and I've been casing and waiting to make my move. Tonight, you're going to make it right."

"How do you know it was someone I know?" Olivia asks, trying to buy time.

"You want a tip? The next time your family decides to go after someone, don't keep your social media public where it can be tracked back. Now, turn the key, and let's get me that cash. If you cooperate enough, I may not kill you."

Afraid for her life, Olivia's hands tremble as she fumbles with the door lock. The guy begins to grow impatient and slams his fist into the door, cracking the glass, "Move it, bitch!"

"I'm, I'm sorry, you gotta gun in my back. I can't concentrate, okay," she cries out with her eyes closed.

Trying to hurry, Olivia hears the lock click, and right before she pushes the door open, she's shoved face-first into the glass, splitting it more. The assailant grabs Olivia by the hair of the head and slams her face into the glass several times before he spins her around to slam the butt of his pistol into her temple and kicks her in the stomach two times with enough force it lifts Olivia off the cement.

As she gasps for air, Olivia looks up with blurred vision and sees a black ski mask with black clothing. So close to passing out, she's picked up from the ground and pushed through the door. Expecting the worst, Olivia lies there, praying for a quick death. Still, when she notices she's still alone inside the store, Olivia lifts her head to listen to the commotion happening outside.

"Back off, you son of a bitch, or I'll blow your damn head off!" The masked stranger yells with the gun pointed at Rick's head.

"Go ahead and fire that pea shooter. You best hope you don't miss because if you do, I'm going to make sure you spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair," Rick threatens, showing no fear.

With the hammer cocked, the masked assailant hesitates to pull the trigger. Olivia manages to get back to her feet to make her way out the door. When the ding from the door opening goes off, it distracts the armed assailant long enough for Rick to rush him with a tackle to the ground. The gun goes flying out of his hand and hits the ground, and discharges, hitting Olivia in the leg. After Rick hears her scream in pain and sees Olivia hit the ground holding her leg, he loses it and begins to punch the man in the face until Rick feels he's subdued enough to check on Olivia.

"Hey, Momma O, are you okay?"

"I got shot! Of course not! I need help, now!" She screams as blood seeps from her leg.

Taking his phone from his pocket, Rick unlocks it to call 911, but before he hits 'call,' Rick is hit and taken to the ground. They tussle around with Rick, getting kneed in the buts; Rick rolls over, trying to hurry back onto his feet. The stranger goes for the gun, but Olivia manages to scoot enough to kick it away. Rick lunges, shoving his shoulder into the guy's side. They return to exchanging blows until Rick gets the upper hand again, or so he believes. The attacker falls, waits for Rick to go for the phone, and leaps for the gun.

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