Chapter 22 - Unfamiliar Areas

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With part of their extended family driving away from RiverCreek, Tara wakes up early to prepare breakfast. She's excited to have the house to herself for the day. CJ will be at school, and Cory is finally heading in for orientation. Excited for all the sudden changes as things feel lighter and easy-going.

"Gosh, what am I gonna do with myself today?" Tara asks, listening to the sizzle of bacon on the stove with french toast in the skillet, "Maybe I'll go car shopping myself or get a Manny-Pedi. But, on the other hand, I could see a foreign flick with subtitles or get my hair cut and hit the tanning bed."

Barely able to maintain focus on breakfast, Tara nearly burns one side of the french toast. Luckily for her, Cory walks into the kitchen and notices she's spaced out, "Tara! You're about to burn food," he calls out to break her concentration.

"Oh! Shoot!" She cries out and then flips the food onto a plate before it burns.

"Thanks, baby, I was thinking about all the things I could do today," Tara stops when she turns around to see Cory's dressed in a pair of light tan khakis and a maroon dress shirt with a white and silver pinstriped tie, "Well, don't you look spiffy today."

Cory walks over and kisses Tara before he pours a cup of coffee, "Thanks, I wanted to look professional for orientation. It may only be a Sterile Tech job, but I will do it until I get my nurse's license."

"Speaking of that, when will your results come in?" Tara asks as she turns back to start transferring the bacon onto a plate with a paper towel.

"I wish I knew. The administrator said about four to six weeks. All I can do is check the mail and the registry website, hoping they'll come in early. I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting," Cory replies in between sips of coffee.

All Tara does is nod while she goes over to the refrigerator, grabbing a jar of grape jelly and strawberry jam. The smell of made from scratch biscuits in the oven begins to fill the room. Cory takes in a deep-seated inhale as the house slowly begins to smell more country, with the weather turning into a breezy Autumn.

Not long after Tara sets the two jars on the table, CJ walks into the room, takes a seat then stares at his mom.

"I know, you want your apple juice, give me a moment, bubby. Mommy almost has breakfast ready, and doesn't daddy look nice for his first day at work."

The look on CJ's is one of despair and disappointment, "I don't want daddy to work! I like him being here when I get home from school to play and go driving. Why does daddy have to go to work?"

Feeling his heart about to shatter, Cory goes to CJ and kneels, "Listen, daddy needs to make some money by working. I have a lot put back from my time in the Army, but it won't last forever. Daddy will be home before you know it."

In a fit, CJ crosses his arms and pushes his lips out in protest. Tara tries not to snicker at how spoiled he's become, but Cory sits there trying to figure out how to get CJ to drop the slight attitude when an idea hits him.

"Well, I guess then that means fewer presents from Santa when it's Christmas. If you're going to make daddy sit at home, that means you're being naughty, which means you don't earn as many gifts."

That's all it takes for CJ to whip his head around to look at his father with big sad puppy dog eyes that are beginning to water up, "No! I'm a good boy! Okay, daddy can go to work now!

"Okay, I'll make sure Santa knows that you changed your mind," Cory says, then looks back at Tara and winks.

"Love you, daddy."

"I love you too, have a good day at school."

Tara walks over and kisses Cory, then returns the juice to the refrigerator and takes a seat at the table. Then, she begins to take what she wants to eat before she takes CJ to school. After Cory's out the door, Tara sits there, missing him already. She eats, then gets ready to drive CJ to school and kick off her day alone.

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