Chapter 2

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Waking up with a throbbing pain in her head Klaire stayed sleeping holding her head like it was about to explode, closing her eyes shut until the pain had finally disappeared. It took a while to figure things out when the events played in her head like flashes,

she was kidnapped.

she jolted up from the bed, the hoodie and jogger she had worn before leaving the apartment were no longer on her, and someone had changed her.

She was wearing a light peachy dress with a few other colours mixed into the skirt border, she got up found her balance and walked to the door she hoped was the exit.

Surprisingly it wasn't locked, she followed a dark long corridor coming upon another door, not having another option she opened it to find a large living room, the windows were shut closed giving the room a dark haunted vibe,

Her eyes roamed around the hall seeing the luxurious couches and tables along with 2 fireplaces until they finally landed on a double door, she practically sped walked not trusting her own balance, totally forgetting the foot which wasn't aching anymore.

Only millimetres away from the handle —from her freedom— she was stopped by a warning voice, "I wouldn't do that if I were you" he warns from afar. His voice was rough, aggressive and extremely dominating, power lingered in his tone, fear enough to bring a man to her knees and make women's legs feel like jelly. Klaire ignored the voice attempting to open the door till she was roughly pushed against the very door to her freedom. Her chest squeezed between the door and the man,

"I don't tolerant disobedience Klaire" he says against her ear, goosebumps arise when his breath fans the side of her open neck, making Klaire feel the same things she felt at the club, "Walk through this door and my men outside will shoot you" he warns releasing his grip on her to turn her so she would be facing him. Her back was pressed against the door once more with his face inches away from her,

"W-w-who are you? Please just l-let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone not even the police" she pleads trying to get out of his deadly grip,

"Police" he scoffed with a chuckle, "what will the police do? Arrest the most powerful man on the planet" he gave out a humorous chuckle, "I would like to see you try" he challenged releasing his grip on her fully. 

He walks back taking a seat on one of the many chairs holding his whisky glass in one and the other resting on the armrest while Klaire stands trying to process his words all the while trying her best to not find the strongly well-built man seated in a manner which would have every girl crawling to be seated on his lap. 

"Where am I?" She asks in a whisper, the room is quiet enough to hear even a pen falling as the man takes a sip of his whisky,

"You're at my mansion" he stands keeping the cup on the glass table, "how about you start with your full name?" he says watching her intensively,

"I don't talk to strangers. Now let me out of this prison. I want to go home" she demands taking a step back,

"Oh... is that so?" He asks amused by the girl's change of tone, a second ago she played the begging slave and now a feisty spitfire, "this is your new home baby girl. Get used to it" he says stepping into the light provided by the small space between the two curtains, she gasped seeing his face fully, holding her hand over her mouth,

"Y-y-you're hi-him" she stuttered her words still in shock, he smirked getting closer to her, she backed away with each step he took until she hit the wall, his 6-foot figure towering over her 5'10, her eyes met his as she was stuck in a trance,

"Indeed." he introduced himself, caging her between his muscular arms, she had no escape from him. Seeing his face properly his name lingered inside her head, a lost memory was making its way to her consciousness as she travelled deep to figure out how she knew this man. Suddenly it hit her like a truck and her breath hitched when she came to know who she'd just encountered.

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