Chapter 50

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"Are you sure about this?" Ricardo asked her for the 5th time, Kaitlyn leaving sooner than he thought was unexpected, he assumed she stay longer but alas it was only his wildest dreams, 

"Ric I told you this. I don't want to go either but, I must. He's my brother and if his slut of a wife did this he's going to need all the help he can get"

"But his son is with him. Are u sure you can handle it? Emily told me what happened that day" Kaitlyn was contemplating how she was going to handle it, but something told her she'd be fine. 

She wanted to move on. She wanted to heal. It's almost been a year. She shouldn't be living in the past, it will ruin her future and she knows that now. 

"I don't think so, but I have to try Ric. You were right, if I continue being like this, I'm as good as dead" Ricardo nodded understanding. Kaitlyn looked back at the plane which was set for departure. She went closer to him and wrapped her hands around his neck bringing him into a hug, this surprised Ricardo and he was frozen not knowing what to do. 

"You know when someone hugs, you're supposed to hug them back" she whispers to his ear bringing Ricardo back to his senses. A small smile came to his lips as he rested his head on her shoulder taking in her embrace. "I promise I'll come back once I clear all of this" his smile grew wider at her promise. 

"Till next time Amour" He whispered giving Kaitlyn the familiar shivers she's grown to love. 

"See you" She waved one last time and watched as her plane door was closed and the captain waited for the 'go' from the commanding tower. 

Feeling the plane take off at 285KmPH speed, Kaitlyn rested her back against the seat getting comfortable. She watched Italy getting covered by the clouds as the plane went higher, it was nice but at the same time, she felt weird, like her goodbye to Ricardo wasn't enough. She felt she should've expressed more but something inside her stopped her from revealing her true emotions. 

She was hoping to meet him in a week, it depended on how Alex was going to take it. 


"Mistress" Mark nodded taking the bags from the flight attended at the same time passing a sly yet boyish smile to the good-looking flight attendant. "Where to?"

"Where is my brother?" 

"I'm not aware of his location but I can ask"

"Take me wherever he is" Mark nodded getting in the passenger seat and making the necessary calls. 

After a 20-minute drive, Kaitlyn arrived at an apartment complex. She got out of the vehicle looking around and seeing it was high on security. 

"Mark you know your tasks. Find her and keep her in my house. Call me right after, and do not, under any circumstance leave her with anyone else. I am trusting this to you" Kaitlyn ordered and like the good footman Mark was he nodded and left having his work cut out for him. 

"Alex Garcia" Kaitlyn told the receptionist who had been particularly too nice to her, it was obvious the girl was scared but she hid it well behind her smile. 

"Floor 38. Apartment 5 on your left maam" She stood up handing over the visitor's key, Kaitlyn was surprised to see the receptionist hadn't asked for Kaitlyn's ID or details as to why she was here. After showing the way of the elevator the girl sped walked in her high heels back to her reception table. 

Kaitlyn didn't want any disturbance and muted her phone. She pushed it into her front pocket in case someone called she'd feel it vibrating. Holding onto the file tightly Kaitlyn went in search of his room on the 38th floor.

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