Chapter 55

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Kaitlyn's blood boiled while she paced in the hidden underground warehouse they could take in Korea. She received information, information that would leave Gerald in his grave. Kaitlyn didn't know how to let out the anger inside of her, she thrashed everything on the small table, shattering the glass and paper. 

She threw the file in her hand and punched the cement wall, her knuckles bled but she felt no pain as she laughed wickedly. She was going to do whatever she could to make sure she did not lead herself into depression again. Not when the striking hour was just at her fingertips.

"Mistress" Mark cleared his throat from the further corner, Kaitlyn motioned for him to proceed and Mark lay the large suitcase he picked from the crates of weapons they smuggled into the country. "A special design Mrs. Herandezz herself crafted for you" 

Kaitlyn raised a brow and walked to the small table, she nodded and let Mark unlock it with the special key and open it wide for Kaitlyn to see. Her eyes glisten running over the sturdy mechanism which she could see herself using on future targets. 

"Mistress, time's nearing" Mark says and Kaitlyn backs away walking for the exit, 

"Drop it in my trunk Mark" She walked to the guards who held her communication device and wore it on her ear. She took the elevator to her fully tinted Kia and waited for Mark to load her newest toy into the trunk. 

The location where Gerald had agreed to meet was a large abandoned parking lot, Kaitlyn had her men hurriedly inspect the area for any buildings or high hills to set up her rifle but Gerald had specifically chosen this to prevent any such incident from taking place. 

It was why Valerie had specially brought Kaitlyn a special gun, only a handful of it existed, Valerie loved to call the invention ' Val's Pal ' It could take any shot within a 13-mile radius, and it was perfect for today's negotiation because the woods around them had a 13-mile radius.

Parking the vehicle inside a secluded spot; Kaitlyn carried the heavy case into the thick woods until she reached the spot marked for her. Finding the red ribbon kept under a large rock Kaitlyn smiled taking it and stuffing it into her jacket. 

"I'm ready" she spoke once she set up the rifle and the aiming,

"Approaching destination in 3 minutes" Alex replies into the mic inside his suit coat. 

Kaitlyn watched as vehicles from both ends came face to face drifting to a stop, men jumped to open the doors to the high-ups. Watching the opponents, she gritted her teeth and took her finger away from the trigger afraid she'd jeopardise the negotiation. 

Seeing Gerald she wanted to storm and cut open his stomach making him go through the pain he put her when he killed her son. Not an hour ago Kaitlyn received news from her agents; news which would send her back to depression but she wouldn't allow her to. Her baby boy was to be born safely, it was Gerald's goons that put Kaitlyn through everything. Kaitlyn had many nurses on her that day injecting her with all sorts of things, it wasn't her fault she didn't notice the fake nurse who inserted the poison into her stomach. 

A poison meant to kill the baby before he was born and fake it to be accidental and not murder.

She didn't want to believe it at first, but the bank account transfers and the private emails sent were her proof. She looked away for a second to take a deep breath and set Gerald's heart as her target. 

"Well, well, well, what a spectacular reunion" Gerald clapped stopping just 15 feet away from Alex, Antonio and Jackson, 

"Gerald let us be civil. There is no need for all this, let's sit and talk like gentlemen do" Antonio spoke before Jackson started to curse demanding his son back, 

"Civil? Did I hear him right?" Gerald turned mocking Antonio and laughing at his face to mock him further, "Is that what you told your wife Antonio? Did you SIT and TALK like a gentleman before putting her and her unborn child into a fucking grave?" his body language told Kaitlyn he was getting angry, 

'Come on, just give the order' Kaitlyn wished inside of her, it would be the only confirmation she needed to finish Gerald for good. It wouldn't give him the pain Selena had to endure during childbirth but with Gerald dead it gave Selena a piece of mind that she'd be doing the world a favor. 

Kaitlyn wanted to continue listening to the conversation but she heard a gun cock right behind her. Her body tensed and she didn't dare move, her eyes darted around her trying to find any object to get an idea of where her captor was standing. 

"Don't bother. All you have are rocks and dust. Now put the rifle down and get up" the man ordered and Kaitlyn closed her eyes visualizing exactly where the man could be standing.

She kept her hands on her sides to support herself up, and slowly without being noticed she filled her hands with sand and rocks. 

"I'm turning now" She said getting up halfway and turning to face her captor face to face, 

"Good girl" he says with a smirk sharply holding the gun at Kaitlyn's head, "And to think Gerald was going to trust the Mexicans to obey" he laughed wickedly,

"Don't mind me, sir. I'm only here to make sure the negotiation is completed without any life at loss" Kaitlyn brings out the English accent and turns into a school speaking to her master at school, 

"You Mexicans are dumb as shit I tell you" he laughs mockingly, Kaitlyn pretended dumb and greedy for information and the man seemed to have bought it because he said right after, "Alia isn't who Gerald wants, even if that bitch died in your basement he wouldn't give two fucks. It's you he wants" the man reveals and takes a step forwards, "Negotiation won't be happening after all since I've got the bait" he slyly replies.


It was dark, pitch black some would say. The windows were closed by wooden doors and behind them laid iron bars to keep anyone from getting up. The smell of blood was too often, it was all Ricardo smelt, and he knew it wasn't anyone else's but his own. 

He hung by his hands from the ceiling, having not seen a ray of sunshine or a feel of a chair, Ricardo's legs floated off the ground swinging momentarily. His mouth was dry and deprived of water. He didn't know how long he's been down in his hell hole but he felt it be years. 

The only form of light he's gotten was whenever Gerald's torture crew entered to beat and do things unthinkable to him in the utter darkness. The masks and suits they wore would scare even an 11-year-old on Halloween.  

The iron door creaked open and a small strip of light fell onto Ricardo's face, he didn't have the energy to lift his face and check, his bones were on fire and he could feel his skin melting little by little, the room's coldness was too cold to sustain Ricardo who was running a high fever.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you" a lady whispered and brought a plate and cup of water. She lifted Ricardo's head and brought the cup closer, slowly lifting the cup she fed Ricardo the water and stuffed the piece of bread into his mouth. 

"This is all I have. They only want her, once they have her they'll release you. I know it" the woman mumbled and walked out of the dark room, when she did Ricardo could see her stomach popping out. He smiled when his head went back to Kaitlyn. For some reason every time Ricardo thought of children he only thought of Kaitlyn. Knowing that Kaitlyn suffered alone with the stillborn pained Ricardo, he tried to tell himself it wasn't his fault but if he had worked harder he would've found Kaitlyn and helped her go through it and know she wasn't alone. 

Ricardo felt a piece of peace swallowing his spit and refreshing his dry mouth. He felt a little energy to open his eyes, a small light slipped through the window and allowed him to look at his surroundings but his luck prevailed when he found no out or even a sight of hope to hold on to. 

But inside of him, he knew his past lover was out there looking for him. She worried for his safety and was coming for him, it was in Kaitlyn's hands he placed his life in. And he knew she would not fail him ever again.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chapter 56 - 28/05/2024

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