Chapter 38

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Weeks have gone by since the incident, Kaitlyn was in one of the many safe heavens her father had built across the world, Kaitlyn was ever so grateful to have the doctor right next to her. He, accompanied by one of his most trusted nurses took into deep care about Kaitlyn and her well being.

Kaitlyn had to go through countless needles and even found herself sleeping past 24 hours, but it was all worth it, even though her father couldn't be right next to her he never failed to check in and answer her calls on the first ring itself.

Antonio had a mental battle on going back to Kaitlyn and being near her, the main reason being he never liked the idea of Kaitlyn all alone with a male doctor in a pent house alone.

Sure enough her guards were with her there but it still didn't give assurance to him that Kaitlyn was really safe there.

As much as he wanted to go and be with his daughter he knew he couldn't. Amy had practically begged him to not even speak about it with anyone, the whole reason for Kaitlyn leaving the comfort of her home was to get away from everything, in the mean time Amy had taken over the company and was running it fairly well, keeping Kaitlyn posted on everything needed.

The day of her departure had finally come, Kaitlyn sat in her jet anxiously, the doctor told her she was fine as long as she didn't go into a moment of stress again and kept things as calm as she possibly can for the rest of her pregnancy.

She was told that her father along with Valerie and Amy were already at the airport waiting for her to land. Wasn't long till she finally did land, and the joy in her eyes to see her family waiting for her at the end of the stair case.

She hugged her father tightly, right after bringing on a group hug with Valerie and Amy. The girls caught up on their lost time, Valerie's little bump could not go unnoticed as it started to form already.

Antonio only shook his head while regretting not taking one of the other cars that were behind them as it would've been much peaceful. But to hear his daughter happy and joyful was music to his ears. After all now that one of his grandson's have arrived he had to make sure his second came out just as fine.

Kaitlyn was stuck in such a deep conversation with her trio friends that she didn't notice how the routes to their house had changed, they were going much away from her father's mansion. But she was entirely engrossed in conversation that she failed to notice it.

And it had been her best friends' plan all along.

They came a halt at last, making Kaitlyn turn around and look at the landscape that surrounded her.

"Where are we?" she questioned looking out the window.

One of her men came to her side of the door and opened it for her, opening her view to a much bigger picture. "How about you check it out for yourself" Valerie nudges as herself and Amy get out from the other side.

Kaitlyn's entire being calms when she notices the earth surrounding her, for once it was intoxicated with factory discharge or black smoke from bad engines. She loved how clean and wild the wind felt,

"seriously were are we?" she asked again giving an eye at her father who stood silently, he smiled walking to his daughter, he held her by her shoulders and directed her to the entrance of the house and stood tall amidst the hills that blossomed for the summer, covering the house were tall trees, and the house itself gave off the feeling of something good.

"You're starting a new life and you're taking your mommy duties very serious now, I knew it would be hard but it's finally time to let you go solo and let you have the privacy and space to raise your son wherever you wanted and how you wanted" Antonio's words touched Kaitlyn deeply as she tried extremely hard to not shed any tears, but she deeply wanted to.

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