Chapter 20

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"I'll be back in the evening" Klaire says about to walk out the front door when she is stopped by Ricardo,

"and where do you think you're going?"

"well dad... Amy's leaving the country tomorrow and I want to treat her for lunch and I also need to pay a visit to my dorm to clear a few things of mine, so I'll get going before it's too late"

"take Alexander with you" Ricardo says taking his phone out about to call his bodyguard and driver,

"I can drive on my own thank you" Klaire debates about to leave the house but is stopped once more,

"correction protection. take him or don't leave the house"

"ugh... fine.... so nosy" Klaire complains leaving the house in anger even though she knows it's for her protection cause people outside were starting to butt into Ricardo's business wanting to know about the mystery girl he's been having,

"where to miss?" Alex asks looking back as Klaire get's inside vehicle,

"here" she passes the phone to the driver showing the restaurant Amy had told to meet up,

Klaire stared outside the window until the vehicle came to a stop, she thanked Alex and walked into the restaurant, Alex close by like ordered. Her eyes scattered around the restaurant but she couldn't find Amy, she walks to the reception who was on a call,

"I'm here to meet Amy Conners" Klaire says with a small smile, the receptionist stops and nods looking on her notepad,

"right this way" she directs Klaire and Alex to the 2nd floor of the restaurant opening a single door and lets her walk inside, before walking through the silver door Klaire turns around to Alex,

"wait here, if I need you I'll call you" Alex merely nods and stands aside,

Klaire walked inside thanking the receptionist and looks at the single table by the large window which had a view of the quite side of Italy,

"quante altre bugie hai tenuto?" _how many more lies have you been keeping?_ Amy asks in teary eyes looking back at the window, Klaire never learned Italian but she was fluent in it, she could understand but never reply in it,

"I'm sorry Amy. I should've told you long ago but I just couldn't. I was risking myself if anyone knew" Klaire tries to reason holding Amy's arms gently but she shoves it away from her,

"so? you couldn't even tell you're best friend, atleast mention some part of it" Klaire only stayed silent not knowing what to say,

"I mean I get that you didn't want to tell me you are dating Italy's most feared man but atleast the runaway part. it's all so clear... why you never talked about your family" Amy says laughing in a weird way,

"so this-" she points her finger at Klaire's body, "- is all just fake, the hair, eyes, I've seen the pictures" Amy says crossing her hands,

"yes it is" Klaire finally answers while Amy wiped her tears away, Klaire took Amy's hand in hers looking straight at her, "I promise you, once we are out of this place we will start fresh, two girls against the world, if you're willing to come" Klaire questions,

Amy is stone cold, not knowing what to say, the images of her and Klaire having a fresh start played as all she could do is smile, she often wondered how she'd get out of here and start new,

"we have no money, no place, and I don't know anyone who would hire me" Amy says in frustration when she starts to think about how she'd make a living,

it's not always about the dream, every dream needs a foundation, something strong to hold their dreams, in Amy's case she needed a job that payed her fairly and a place to stay at,

Klaire jumps out of her chair and springs around throwing her hands high up in the air, like she was presenting herself on a show case,

"work for me" Klaire says while Amy sat dumbfounded,

"sorry what?" she questioned scratching her ear, a habit she did when she's utterly confused,

"I'm thinking of seeing my dad after all this, and convincing him to let me work with him, and on the other hand start my business and I'm going to need a PA, and you have all the qualifications, you just need the experience" Klaire says making Amy think big, Klaire sighs knowing it's a big step for her, she opens her bag and passes Amy a large envelope,

"you have till tomorrow to make a decision, if you do give it a thought; come to the airport and show them these documents, they'll take you to a private area until I come with Valerie, and we'll all three fly out immediately, but you only have time till 2, I need to be out of this country by 2.30" Klaire says seriously, only getting a mere nod from Amy who is scanning the documents inside the envelope,

"are you sure about this?" Amy asks when she noticed how quickly Klaire's mood changed,

"of course I am. why wouldn't I?" Klaire laughs humorously but deep down she felt really heavy, a feeling of guilt that didn't work in her favor,

"I know you love him Klaire. you don't have to do this. just come clean and maybe he'll forgive you, if he doesn't then it was never love and we will just run far from here" Amy says patting her back,

"it's complicated Amy. but I know what he'll do if he found out about me, it's best I'd leave before anything get's out of hand" Klaire says once more but she was lying to herself and she knew it,

everything came clear to her that night when she and Ricardo made love, and it frightened her, she was never supposed to fall in love, just get out of there and forget about him, but fate decided otherwise,

"alright. I'll take your word on it" Amy says getting up along with Klaire,

Amy said her goodbyes and left taking a taxi back home while Klaire waited for Alex to bring the vehicle upfront, instead of the black SUV a vehicle all too familiar pulled up with Ricardo getting out and opening the passenger side door for her,

"this is a surprise" she says holding her chest in a fake heart-attack style,

"come on" Ricardo said taking her hands as she got into his vehicle,

"where are we going?" Klaire asked while buckling herself inside the sports car, the engine roared and took off in high speed while Ricardo could only smirk and say,

"it's a surprise" he says concentrating his eyes on the road,

"I hate surprises" Klaire pouts with her hands folded,

"exactly, in a few minutes Amour" Ricardo says racing once more when the red light turned green,

End Of Chapter

so what do you think is going to happen?

it's odd you know,

Amy leaving the country and at the same time Klaire saying she needs to leave the country before 2.30


let's find out in the future chapter...

Special chapter dedicated to Zara!

Mikiela W.

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