Chapter 3

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A bell rang in her room as she bolted up at the sound, she looked around to find 3 women in her room. One of them holding what seemed to be clothes and the other one some shoes, the woman who had woke her up using a bell cleared her throat with her hands in front of her,

"Good morning Miss. Don has requested your presence at the dining table and has asked for you to wear this" She points at the two women holding her clothes and shoes. Crossing her hands she shakes her head,

"Tell him I won't leave this room even if I have to starve" she states getting up brutely and heading straight to the bathroom, the woman felt rather scared about this as she follows Klaire,

"Miss, please! Don will have our heads if you don't" she pleads keeping her head down in a surrendering manner,

"This Don of yours seems to threaten you a lot. I will not speak to a killer like him. Go tell him to fuck off" she screams at the maid, who was about to reply with another plead but was stopped,

"Leave us!" Ricardo shouted, keeping the clothes on the stool the 3 maids left —practically running out— his voice made Klaire curse herself, she didn't think he would actually come to her room right away. Ricardo stalked towards Klaire who had an angered expression but her insides hated her for cursing when he was just here the whole time,

"Go change Klaire. Don't make me repeat myself"

"Or what?" she challenges, "you'll threaten me?" she adds crossing her arms, "no wait... you'll kill me" she says once more, she gets closer to him her nose centimetres away from touching his with a look which could kill yet to him everything was cute and nothing scared him,

"Go ahead! right now death seems like my only option" she says looking Ricardo dead in the eye, she was taking a big risk but she had nothing to lose. Clearly, he doesn't remember her; they were barely 8 when they met, and right now she has no future, no loved one, no purpose, the only reason she is alive is to let fate decide what happens next,

But Fate Has Something Else Planned.

He pushes her against the door holding her by her neck tightly, her fear is enough to satisfy Ricardo as he smirks seeing how scared Klaire is, "change and meet me downstairs. If I don't see you in 5 minutes I will come upstairs myself to get you, but don't tell me I didn't warn you Klaire" he leaves closing the door with a loud 'thud'

Klaire rubbed her neck gently trying to ease herself, her heartbeats at a rapid pace when she thought about how her life could have ended just minutes ago. He wasn't gentle at all. Any tighter and she could've been choked to death, she didn't know what to do.

Should she make a run for it?


Should she obey and see where this takes her?

She knew deep inside that he took her for a different purpose, an inappropriate purpose. She cringed at the thought of being his play toy, this can't be her life! but it made her think what would've happened if she didn't; If Amy had gone that night for her shift. Would he have taken her instead? 

What if he did?

What would have become of Amy?

In a way she thanked the god above that it was her, no matter how bad the situation was she could never imagine her friends in her position, kidnapped and kept as a prisoner, a play toy. She pictured Amy in her position which was too much pressure for her to handle. Sighing she got into the dress kept by the maids; which fitted her perfectly. She walked out of the room finding the maid from before, she kind of felt bad at how harsh she was to the maid, pulling a single strand behind her ear,

"I'm really sorry about my tone before. I am not having a good day" she says swinging from one side to another,

"It's totally fine miss. Please follow me, Monsieur is waiting for you" she states walking the other way, they took multiple corridors and went through a lot of living rooms which made Klaire confused, till they met with a staircase.

They take it going down and through another open empty room, the maid leaves after pointing to another door without saying anything, taking another breath she opens it walking inside she is met by a long table in the middle of a large hall. On one corner sat Ricardo and on the other side Marcus along with a woman next to her. Noticing Klaire Ricardo points to the chair next to him, she walks to it angrily taking a seat, she takes a few glances at the woman who's belly couldn't go unnoticed.

She's pregnant.

"I'm Emily" she greets from the other side of the table, Klaire merely nods not bothered to share a conversation, "ouch" She fake pouts when a chuckle is heard from Marcus who enjoys his meal silently,

"I got the same treatment" he says getting back to his plate,

"Eat" Ricardo ordered pushing Klaire's untouched plate towards her,

"I will not eat your dirt, you mutt" she screams which makes Ricardo mad,

"EAT THE FUCKING FOOD" he screams for the entire dining room to hear, Emily jumps at the sudden outburst and excuses herself; first serving herself some fresh fruits and leaving with Marcus behind her, atlas it was only Ricardo and Klaire.

"I'd rather starve than eat any of your junk" With that she loudly pushed her chair back and walked out of the dining room,

She didn't know her way around the castle-like house, it was all too confusing. she went through a lot of doors and even went in circles at one point, that was till she met a maid dusting the ornaments in a room.

"Hey! Can you tell me where the door is to go outside?" she asked trying her best not to sound demanding, right now demanding won't get her anywhere and she tried to maintain a calm expression but her emotions overpowered it all.

The maid lifted her head when her eyes widened seeing Klaire, she immediately ran out of the room, Klaire tried to follow her but she was fast enough to lock herself after entering one of the many doors,

She _Klaire_ sighs starting her adventure once more till she is met by two large double doors, she opens it finding a large hall, in-between is a table, with over 12 chairs going around it, like a conference room. At the far corner stood a door, she ran to the door about to open it when the door itself opened, Ricardo came through it with a smirk on his face,

"You lost Amour?" he asked closing the door behind him, 

"Please! I'll give you anything you want just let me go, millions of women would fall on their knees for you, why kidnap an innocent like me?" She asked in tears, seeing Klaire like this hit Ricardo's soft spot. A spot he thought got destroyed years ago when he took over as the world's strongest mafia;

The Mafia King.

She tried to cover her face from embarrassment but Ricardo didn't let her, he cupped her face in his large hands wiping the tears off of her cheeks with his thumbs, this surprised Klaire, making her stumble backwards, she looked into his eyes seeing nothing but guilt,

"You don't get it Klaire" he let her go turning around to face the long open windows staring outside, no emotion in his eyes,

"I want YOU"


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