Chapter 22

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"why didn't you come back to sleep Amour?" Ricardo voices out suddenly bring Klaire out of her train of thought while her breakfast became cold with every passing minute.

"I accidently fell asleep" Klaire some what sheepishly replied,

"it's alright. just don't worry me next time" Ricardo says taking the seat opposite her as a maid rushed with a freshly made plate of Italy's famous breakfast pastries.

"y-y-you were worried?" Klaire asks stunned by his reply, Ricardo immediately stopped everything and moved closer to Klaire's seat, raising her chin to make her look directly at him so she know Ricardo isn't telling a lie,

"I will always worry about you Amour. I love you too much to not be able to live without you. I've told you this a million times before and I'll say it again. no matter what others say I will always love you. For All Eternity" his words were loving as he sealed his promise with a sweet tender kiss,

Klaire felt her entire body weigh down at his words, the simple thought of his endless love to her and in-return she gives him nothing makes the feeling of guilt build up, the feeling her heart becoming heavier increases.

She has no idea what's to come or today's events, all she knows is today will be the last day she'll ever hear his loving words, his touch that makes her skin bubble up each time, the feeling of excitement she get's just by one little word, the special moments that replays inside of her every time she's alone without him.

"I don't need a reply back Amour. as long as you know that I love you is more than enough for me-" he was about to continue but is disturbed by Giovani from behind,

"Good morning Miss Klaire, Mr. Ricardo. Abbiamo un problema. La polizia ha trovato le nostre armi nascoste e la droga" _We've got a problem. The Police found our hidden weapons and drugs_ Giovani's voice is quickened as he speaks in one breath, but clear enough for Ricardo to hear it, his anger rose as he thought of the idiot to involve the police, the policemen would only come to do a check up on the ships, it was rare for them to check it's contents and Ricardo knew his men are involved in some part of it,

"Partiamo tra 5 minuti. prendi Marcus" _We leave in 5 minutes. get Marcus_ Ricardo orders when Giovani only nods and goes back inside. Ricardo lets out a small huff of annoyance and get's up. Klaire understood every word the two gentlemen spoke but kept her confused emotion in tact,

She understood Italian very well,

Just never knew how to reply back with it.

"I need to go sort a few files. I'll be back in the night. Emily said she needed you for some shopping. get whatever you want. it's on me" he says placing a kiss on her forehead,

"shopping with Emily? oh god! please no! don't leave me with her! who knows what she'll make me wear this time?!" Klaire exclaims as Ricardo could only laugh out.

he loved how only Klaire could make him laugh this way, reminds him of his younger self. he felt like a little boy laughing for some dumb joke made by his friend. he always felt different around Klaire, he never needed to be the emotionless bastard of a Mafia King in front of Klaire, she understood him both ways.

"don't worry. just say no, I'm sure she'll understand" Ricardo assures about to walk out when he heard a...

"trying being me, going shopping with Emily for once" Klaire mumbles with her hands crossed,

"I love you" Ricardo says but what he didn't expect was to get a reply,

"love you back" he stopped in his steps trying to make out the words he just heard, he thought he was in Deja Vu. A bright smile came to his face when he replayed the 3 simple words given out by the love of his life,

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