Chapter 54

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Marcus arrived with the entire Italian Mafia, over 50 vehicles were parked. Given the underground parking lot only held 20 vehicles everyone else had their cars parked in the back and front yard. Another shipment as promised was delivered filled with more dynamite one can imagine. 

Even with everything going on Kaitlyn found the time to visit the baby nursery Antonio had set up for Valerie's son and Daniel. She cooed little Daniel in her arms shoving him with love and kisses, her act was such content and adoration, that even the sitter sat and watched lovingly. 

"How do you do it?" Marcus asks from the door, keeps the file on the table and walks to Kaitlyn who smiles carrying the baby in her arms. Her brows furrowed when she noticed the brown file, she passed Daniel to the sitter and moved past Marcus to pick up the file. 

"Location has been confirmed. 4 entries all guarded with patrol changes every 2 hours, The building has 3 entrances, the main, the back and the underground parking. I'll be getting their floor plans by tonight hopefully. We'll hold a meeting today and strategise. Tomorrow night we'll plan to take off"

"Too late. Get your contact to deliver the plans this evening and hold it early. Have everyone sleep and tomorrow at 4 we take flight to Korea" Kaitlyn orders and Marcus shows a prideful smile before nodding and taking his file back. "It will be half a day's flight. We attack the day after if they fail to adhere to our terms"

"Certainly I'll get everything in order" he walks out with his work set in his mind. Kaitlyn follows behind and runs into Valerie in the corridor. The two talk the way to their chambers until Valerie stops pulling Kaitlyn into the large balcony to speak more privately. 

"What is it with you and Ricardo?" she asks loud and clear making Kaitlyn sigh deeply, 

"I don't know myself"

"You were with him though for a short period" Valerie pushes, 

"Yes, and I just don't understand. We have this effect on each other even after 2 years but something's missing. I still blame myself for Riase. If I weren't so selfish Ricardo could've seen his son, and maybe I might not have miscarried" she whispers the last line but Valerie hears it clearly and builds up the courage inside to speak out on the topic they much needed to discuss, 

"Kaitlyn Garcia! Are you serious? What is this!? It's been almost 2 years! The doctors said he wasn't going to make it out regardless of what you did. Fate had its course and has rejoined you with Ricardo. Instead of thinking about the past think of the opportunities opened between you two now. If you don't fate will choose another path for you, a path where he isn't involved" Kaitlyn laughs a little at her best friend but, nevertheless pulls Valerie into a tight hug, 

"Thank you. For everything Val. I don't think I'd make it through if it weren't for you" Valerie smiles returning the hug.


The men bickered on about how they'd enter, one suggested a surprise attack through the main entrance. Another mentioned everyone split up into two teams; one to enter through the back entrance and the other through the basement. And have another team enter through the roof and find Ricardo.

"Shut up! Tutti silenziosi! Callarse la boca!" _Everyone quiet! Shut up!_ she pointed at the Italians first and then continued to shout at the Mexicans. The entire hall quieted down and stared at Kaitlyn with a tang of fear inside of them, 

Kaitlyn stood dead glaring at every one of them until Marcus cleared his throat. She took a deep breath and released concentrating on the floor plans. She hit her fist on the large table before starting, 

"Before any of this, we will have to plan the bribe. Alia's life in exchange for Ricardo's. If they don't agree we will attack immediately"

"How do you plan to attack?" Leo asks crossing his hands, 

"We have over 100 men with us right now. We'll take a 1/3 with us to the location of the negotiation. The other 2/3 will wait for the signal and attack if needed" Kaitlyn looks to Marcus, "You, Valerie, Leo and the men will wait on our signal"

"You plan to go to the lion's mouth alone? Hell no!" Valerie retaliates, 

Kaitlyn chuckles shaking her head, "Of course not. Papi, Uncle Jack and Alex will be right by my side. That way they won't suspect the attack" Kaitlyn walked around the table to where the building floor plans were laid, she opened the the drawer and took out pieces of a chess board,

"Marcus you'll be our bishop in the basement" She placed the black bishop on the floor plan of the basement and then reached for the knight, "Leo you're our Knight. There is a local coffee shop only 3 blocks from the building, stay there with our men and pretend you're enjoying the day" 

"I wanna be the rook" Valerie jumped asking like a 5-year-old, Kaitlyn nodded taking the black rook, 

"You will be our sky. If things get intense I need air support. I've spoken with a few nearby organizations. Specifically speaking Ricardo's ally and I've got you a copter just 20 Km away from the attack zone. You'll be the safest there till we need you"

"And you'll be negotiating?" Alex asked picking up the Queen, 

"A woman negotiating amongst 3 men will insult the Koreans. You'll be our negotiator" Kaitlyn took out pictures of the basement and rooftop she was able to get from her source,  

"And you?" Valerie and Alex asked together, 

"I'll be there. Just not in sight. In case Gerald plans to hurt Papi or anyone I'll kill him before he gets the chance" Kaitlyn picked up a rifle and aimed at the ceiling approving the mechanism. 

"Say we hand over Alia and get Ricardo back. Then what? We can't seriously think of letting them go and come at us again another time. We won't get so lucky either" Leo fights back, 

Kaitlyn sighs deeply and looks at the table before slyly looking up at everyone else. "There is always a counteroffer. We bargain with Gerald for Ricardo. And the Koreans for Gerald. Even if he doesn't hand us Ricardo it wouldn't matter we'll still get Gerald. And our plan will be more simplified" Everyone looks at Kaitlyn as if she just spoke about going to the moon by bus. Everyone looked at each other not a single soul saying anything until Alex spoke up,

"You must really be drunk to plan such a scheme. We're going to Korea to get Ric back. Not jeopardise his situation furthermore" Alex scolds his sister, 

"Then we'll bargain Ric and shoot Gerald when we have the chance" Leo stated, 

"Or we'll let them think it's over and hijack their vehicle when they least expect it and kill Geralda and his mutts" Marcus states, "Ricardo won't just let them go like that. He'll want their organs to burn" Marcus states and a wicked smile comes to Kaitlyn. 

"We'll come back for Gerald later. Ric is our priority. And with the number of people we're taking with us, Gerald won't dare pull another stunt like this" Kaitlyn ended the discussion and everyone agreed. 

Revenge is best saved for later, if people go about revenge it would only fall back to themselves when they realise the amount of time, sweat and money wasted because of something someone did and they wish to make them feel the same. A warning is better left than scheming an entire Revenge. 

If one doesn't adhere to the warning then other precautions must be carried out. Revenge should always be kept as the last and final option. But in the mafia people work where a mistake wouldn't be made again. It's why those who betray don't walk the earth to betray another. That is and always will be the mindset of the Mafia. 

And it includes Kaitlyn Garcia as well.

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