Chapter 58

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In the mafia, a life being forgiven is scarce, when a person is kidnapped and tied it never ends well for the person. There's a famous saying that goes around; why release the snake to turn around and bite back, mafias work according to this fable, of course not every person dies and not every person lives. 

Kaitlyn Garcia was kidnapped not because she angered a mafia, but rather because she placed an enchantment on the leader of a mafia. An enchantment so strong it consumed both individuals to grow attached to each other —to the point where one couldn't see a life without the other

Sounds of footsteps could be heard echoing in the hallway, someone was running; someone refused to breathe until she saw the other alive and breathing. Reaching the room the nurse had told, Kaitlyn didn't waste a second and opened the door, the room was open and friendly to the human eye, neutral light colours spread on the walls and given Kaitlyn had a fear of hospital rooms, she did not fear the room she stood in.

Valerie stood up when the door burst open, she smiled and embraced her panicked best friend with a warm hug, she silently thanked the god above for keeping her entire family safe. Kaitlyn looked at Valerie before directing her eyes to Ricardo sleeping on the hospital bed while being hooked onto the monitor which displayed a healthy heartbeat and oxygen level. 

"He fell asleep an hour ago but he wouldn't stop asking where you were" Kaitlyn smiled hearing this from Valerie. She slowly walked to his bedside and gripped his hand. She wrapped both her hands over his hand feeling he was cold as ever and alone, she placed a sweet kiss and stood watching him sleep, something she loved to do even when she was Klaire. 

"Kait, there is a matter we need to discuss, it can not wait" Valerie broke the enchantment she was caught in with a sleeping Ricardo, sensing the urgency in Valerie's voice Kaitlyn left Ricardo's side and followed her best friend outside.

Valerie didn't stop though, she continued to walk until she reached the floor below them, the entire time she didn't utter a word even when Kaitlyn urged where they were going. Kaitlyn felt a bile pile up in the pit of her stomach as her eyes scanned the label, 'Babies sleeping. Keep silent' 

"Why are we here?" Kaitlyn asked standing in front of a large glass with rows of cots placed next to each other and small newborn babies dressed in blue and pink sound asleep. A nurse smiled at the pair and went to the middle of the room picking up a baby wrapped in blue, she brought the baby to the front of the glass and held him high for Kaitlyn to see clearly.

Kaitlyn's heart sank, she turned the other way and closed her eyes not wanting to get emotional in the hospital, Valerie mouthed a thank you to the nurse and kept her hand on Kaitlyn's shoulder,

"The woman you saved Kait, her name was Isabella, the baby came early and she ended up having him in the vehicle, but-" Valerie took an intake of breath breaking the news to Kaitlyn, "-She lost too much blood, they saved the child but couldn't save the mother" Kaitlyn looked at Valerie shocked, she hadn't gotten to know the woman properly but she seemed innocent, it made Kaitlyn more angry and wished she tortured Gerald more before she killed him. "The doctor wants to meet you" Valerie stopped by a room belonging to the Gynaecologist who wanted to contact Kaitlyn. 

Valerie didn't go in with Kaitlyn as she knew whatever the doctor had to say was personal and wasn't her business, Kaitlyn didn't ask Valerie either and walked in not knowing what to say or how to greet the doctor.

"Miss Garcia?" the doctor noticed Valerie outside and assumed, 

"You wanted to speak to me" Kaitlyn says taking the offered seat, 

"I'm Doctor Kathrine, but please call me Kat. I wanted to talk about Isabella Rose" The doctor takes out a file and presents it in front of her, "I take you hold no blood relationship with Miss Rose?" she asked to which Kaitlyn shook her head taking the medical file, 

"Miss Garcia I not only specialize in helping pregnant women but I also help orphaned children, in my line of work it is rare yet possible for a mother to enter and possibly die during childbirth, and some of the mothers I've taken care of always have come along with no family. Now for Miss Isabella's son, I would do the same as I did with all the babies in the past, have them enrolled in the system if a family doesn't wish to adopt him, but-" the Doctor stood up walking over to Kaitlyn side and leaning against her table, she invades Kaitlyn's personal space but Kaitlyn had studied her body language to know what she wished to say was personal, 

"Children born from your people don't exactly always fit into the families here. I've done my studies to know Nature overpowers nurture" 

"What exactly do you mean by my people Kat?" Kaitlyn stands in a threatening stance, 

"Between you and I, I have personally looked into the mother's report to know she's part of a gang, her name tells me Mexican and it just so happens I meet the infamous Mexican Jewel in my office. I don't wish to pose a threat to you or your family I simply am trying to give a child a better life than what the world has to offer"

"How are you positive I'd be able to give this child the dream life you think of?" Kaitlyn pushed further, she knew exactly what the doctor was implying but she wanted to hear the doctor say it from her own mouth. The funny thing was the doctor herself knew this too and she sighed heavily before backing away to her seat,

"Every family and private agencies I've called have left me on the same note, 'we'll think about it' and they didn't sound convinced. Anyone is willing to adopt the child but when they receive the medical files and birth parents' information they all leave me on hold. It's why my last resort was you. You've grown up in a world of guns and violence, this boy will grow up to be the same, it's the sole reason why no one will accept him; atleast not the way you or anyone of your background would. All I ask is to give him the life he deserves, the system will only corrupt that poor child's mind if he isn't looked over he'll grow up to destroy society and in Korea, serial killers and drug dealers often end up murdered or in prison" The doctor finished her speech and looked hopefully at Kaitlyn, 

It was a big step for her, should she choose the child it will change everything in her life. She once planned for this change when she was pregnant but it hurt her to the point she never dreamt of it again. And to be given a chance again made her doubt. Deep within her the question still lies,

Was she capable of raising a child?

Was her firstborn taken because of her incapability?

Her head hurts when she rethinks her past, she stood the longest standing with her mind elsewhere and a hopeful doctor. She finally gave up the battle inside her head and walked to the door, not before saying, "I'll think about it" the doctor sighed deeply and said a silent prayer for Kaitlyn to consider, after all she'd be saving a life not destroying.  

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