Chapter 56

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Kaitlyn grabbed the sand piles near her and threw them just when the man wasn't looking. He dropped his gun and held his eyes in agony, 

"You bitch" he screams at her and tries to wipe the dust out of his face but when he did Kaitlyn is holding the gun. She reached into her back, took out her silencer hurriedly loaded the gun to it and shot the man's ankle, he fell screaming in agony once again and cursing like he was praising god in church. 

"A bitch wails like you do. Cunt on the other hand mmm... not so much. You need to go back to kindergarten.... but then again you won't have to" he looked at her thinking Kaitlyn was psychotic but faced death on her hands as she pulled the trigger and ended the man with the bullet to his forehead. "Bitch" she muttered under her breath and searched his pants for any radio or phone, 

Taking away everything trackable Kaitlyn walked back to her vehicle with her suitcase. She threw away his phone and watch into a nearby stream but kept his radio to listen in on their plan.

Kaitlyn got into her vehicle and drove off setting her location to the building, she raced on the empty road and it only took her half an hour to get there. She covered her car behind an old wrecked garage and walked 2 blacks to the massive gates. 

She huffed out in disbelief when she found no one at the gate but 100 cameras and sensors kept everywhere. She immediately stopped moving and took out her hacking device. Her device hacked into 30 cameras and sensors disabling them briefly. It took a couple of minutes but patience truly is a virtue. 

She climbed the side door which was easier than the iron fences and jumped the rest 5 feet landing perfectly still. She looked around briefly and took out her device. She was lucky for her tech or else she wouldn't have been able to sense the hidden cameras disguised as rocks. 

"Bravo team abort positions and immediately make way to section 1. The chim-ibja is getting away" Kaitlyn furrowed as the male repeated once again, 

"What the fuck is a Chim-ibja?" she asked herself and kept the radio to a minimum. With her gun in one hand and the indicator in another, she carefully skipped through the garden to the side of the building. It wasn't as big as she thought it to be, it was only 5 floors while she expected a skyscraper-like her company building. 

"Eh" a voice called when Kaitlyn tried to open the side door, she dropped the indicator on the grass and shot the man through the throat leaving him to bleed out dry. Another 3 more followed but Kaitlyn's bullets were different. Said to be able to carve through 3 thick walls if powered on full throttle. She did just that and all three men fell without a sign of life. 

Opening the door she's met with 3 men across a large kitchen. However, these men did not have guns and both stayed on two corners of the kitchen. Kaitlyn knew if she had shot one the other would've alerted the rest of her whereabouts. She tucked the gun and hurried to the nearest set of knives. 

"Josimhae!" _Watch out!_ one shouted but was struck to the wall behind him while having a knife inside his throat, the guy next to him rushed to the other's aid forgetting Kaitlyn. 

"Brotherhood" Kaitlyn muttered and slid across the granite countertop and held the knife against the survivor's throat. "Where is Section 1?" she demanded but the man started to mumble and shiver against her hold, 

"I-I-I'm just the cook's guard. P-p-p-please I-I-I-I don't know" he pleaded with his hands in the air. Kaitlyn angrily sliced the man's throat and left him to splatter crimson on the white tiles.

Suddenly an ear-splitting scream is heard from behind her and Kaitlyn drops the knife turning with panic. She found a woman at the entrance holding her hair and in utter shock. Kaitlyn closed her mouth immediately and quietened her down. 

Kaitlyn looked around her and then at the woman's pregnant belly. She knew she couldn't kill the woman nor could she tie her up and worsen her situation. 

"I'm going to let you go and you're not to scream. If you do I will have no choice but to put a bullet through you. I pitty Pregnant women, now do you understand?" she whispered into the lady's ear and she nodded in return, 

"Please I'm innocent! If he finds out I let this happen he'll kill my baby"

"Who?" Kaitlyn asked keeping her hand on the gun she had tucked in behind her in case the lady was stalling her, 

"My master. Gerald" she says in a faint whisper, 

"He did this to you?" Kaitlyn asks again, the lady only nods with tears filled in her eyes. 

Kaitlyn held the shivering lady by her shoulders and strained her physic, she looked her right in the eyes and spoke truthfully, "No one blames you or your baby. Give me a few hours and I will deal with the bastard myself. But I need you to leave here and get to safety. Can I trust you?" 

She frantically nodded her head and Kaitlyn let her go and walked into the main house. But before she did she turned and stopped the lady again, 

"What does Chim-ibja mean? And where is section 1?" Kaitlyn asked the lady who quickly answered, 

"It's the intruder, he's gotten out and is supposed to be on the 5th floor. But there isn't a way out of there unless you know how to fly the copter" Kaitlyn thanks her and walks into the nearest closet when she hears men coming her way. 

She takes out her earpiece and turns on her radio speaking, "Leo come in"

"Right here" Leo answers, 

"Ric's escaped and on the 5th floor. I'm going to wait for Gerald. I've spotted 20 guards running to the front and back yards. Take them out and swipe the floors" Kaitlyn went quiet when she heard the sound of a copter coming in, 

"You bitch. Just you wait, Gerald has landed, and we're taking you straight to him" The sound of a glass shattering is heard and Kaitlyn hurriedly speaks into her talker,

"Gerald's on the 5th floor. Have Vel ready for my call and do what I said" She turns off the radio and opens the door to see the sights. Her eyes scanned the scene and widened when she saw the pregnant lady pulled by her hair in the opposite direction. Kaitlyn's anger arose and she slipped the gun through the crack aiming at the furthest man,


Bullseye! The man who clutched the lady's hair dropped her to the door and took out his gun but Kaitlyn was faster and aimed at his head sending him to the ground. Kaitlyn rushed to the lady and tried to lift her but the more she tried the more pain she was in. 

"M-my water" she shrieked and Kaitlyn looked under her to find a pool, Kaitlyn panicked and frantically looked around trying to find anyone to help. 

"Leo send 3 women to the left side of the mansion where you'll find a door to a kitchen. I need medical assistance. Woman gone into labour" Kaitlyn spoke shortly not going into deep detail. "They'll all come running looking for me now, I need to go but my team is on their way and they'll take you to a hospital" The lady nods and Kaitlyn doesn't wait a second longer taking her gun and walking into the building.

She slipped into every room whenever she heard men coming and shot them in the back before they could register her presence. She had practised for this very day. Luck was on her side when she spotted a dark staircase leading upstairs. Tiptoeing upstairs she took her shots whenever she heard men coming downstairs. The carpeted staircase was now becoming tiles and Kaitlyn knew she was closer to Ricardo. 

She removed her shoes and walked in socks finding it quieter and easier. She counted her way up starting from 1 until she reached 4. She was still surprised by how there were fewer men. Kaitlyn stopped taking out both her guns and reloading them. She took the knives strapped to her calf and re-strapped them around her waist and her back for easy access. 

She took a deep breath and counted to 3, readying herself with every number she counted. 




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