WTWM except TR!Shadow is a bean

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So uh kinda wrote this idea in one sitting...3,619 words... haha...I'm now sleep-deprived

Enjoy, this was fun. Fair warning, the cursing is uncensored

TR!Shadow's POV

I was lying on an uncomfortable, cold, hard floor. My ears rang with a laugh I knew had to be Sabre's. I squirmed and muttered words of spite in my sleep.

A hand on my shoulder shook me awake.

"Ah!" I shouted, bolting up.

"Oh, it's you, M. Thanks.. Yeah, another nightmare, about Sabre this time. Wait...why do you look different?"

I scanned our immediate surroundings. We were in an alleyway, but everything didn't have normal cube shapes like I was used to.
I glanced down at my hands.

"Why do I look different?!"

I was taken aback by the sudden change.

We were just at the Yellow Steves' village, I had just left that machine they made for me. I didn't recall Twisted or Sabre being anywhere nearby, so why were we here?

"M? Any idea where we are?"

The Red Steve shrugged.

"Great. I can't decide if being in an unknown land with strange proportions is any better than our previous situation. Just as bad I guess," I stood up as I spoke.

My focus shifted to a commotion going on just beyond the alleyway.

"Should we check it out?" I asked M in hushed tones.

M nodded.

We peeked behind the wall, revealing a fight to us unlike any I knew. The three figures fought with abilities I had never seen before.

It concerned yet fascinated me.
And even stranger, were those I saw not fighting. The civilians most certainly weren't like Steves, they looked nothing like Sabre yet I felt they were more like him than a Steve.

I ducked back into the alleyway, trying to think of a plan.
M and I were in no shape for a fight, not yet at least. And definitely not against these strangers. I had no idea what would work against them.

Even if I still had the Darkness, would it even work on them?

M turned towards me, concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine. We need to figure out where we are. Or at least find some shelter, who knows what these...entities are and what they could do."

M looked down for a moment. He grabbed a balled up paper and a broken pencil.

"Well that's certainly useful," I let a tiny smile slip by as M scribbled something down.

'We could run the other way while the fight is going on'

I nodded. "Good idea, pull your hood up just in case."

We left the alleyway hesitantly, trying to not be suspicious. M followed me as we moved quickly away from the fight. We kept to the side, avoiding people as best we could. Sometimes we went into another alleyway.

We stopped for a break after a while. We needed to think of a real plan.
What if that nightmare wasn't a nightmare? What if Sabre was here? Or Twisted and The Great One? What if we'll have to fight them here?

I gulped down my fear. This weird world was real, there was no doubt about it. So we'd have to learn to survive, whether or not we liked it.
Same as always.

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