MHA crossover AU 2.0

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This AU is an alternate version of WTWM, where rather than arriving with a bang, the Steves and Sabre are brought to MHA as students of U.A.!

Everyone has different quirks instead of having their full Steve power set, and have actual parents and stuff. Difference is, they still just randomly showed up in MHA. They just roll with it-

Anyways trigger warning time
Tw; physical abuse, verbal abuse, gaslighting I think, domestic abuse in general, idk


[Galaxy POV]

As soon as the bell rang for the end of school, Void grabbed me by the arm. As usual. He dragged me out, making sure we always avoided my old friends.

I barely got a glance at Sabre and Rainbow hugging and laughing. I looked down, feeling even more alone than before.

It'd been several months since we got here. We were all humans now, but children with powers going to school.
Void and I were in the same household, and he used that to control me.

Not like he did before, with trying to absorb and kill me. This was somehow worse. He'd hurt me with whispered words no one else heard. He'd destroy small objects I valued that no one noticed. He would scratch me just deep enough to hurt for a while but never asked about by others.

Not like I ever had the chance to talk with others. I rarely was alone. Usually that was a good thing, but he was quietly tormenting me. And no one knew.

Seeing Sabre and Rainbow reminded me of our past. That I did defeat Void, with them by my side. If I got to them, we could stop him.

I grabbed Void's hand and pulled it off me.

"No! That's enough! I'm tired of this! I'm tired of being scared of you! I won't let you hurt me any more! You've been wearing me down, threatening to destroy what I love!" I lowered my head, speaking quietly,
"You're a tyrant, no matter what reality. I'm going to find my friends, and I'm not letting you keep me quiet! If I find you destroying anything at home, I'm telling mom and dad. You don't have power over me any more."

I stared him in the eyes. He sneered and tried to grab me. I caught his hand and dug my nails into his wrist. Just like he's done to me. He grimaced and tried to claw my hand off. I stared him in the eyes.

"You don't control me any more. I'm telling everyone who you are. A villain." I smiled pleasantly and let him go.

He glared at me, rubbing his arm. I turned and ran. I could hear him coming for me. He was definitely pissed.

I found Sabre and Rainbow by the lockers.

"GUYS! I'm here!!" I exclaimed, running towards them.

"Galaxy?!" They both turned towards me, shocked.
I hugged Sabre tight, tearing up. I missed them. I missed them so much.
"Galaxy..?" Sabre hugged me back.
I was crying. I needed to calm down, I needed to tell them.

Rainbow put a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, you alright?"

I was close to sobbing, but I held on. I let go of Sabre, trying to rub away the tears.

"V- Void...He-" I barely spoke before the man himself showed up. "Run!"

They both glanced up, seeing a furious Void as I darted past, vision still blurry from crying.

"OH CHEESUS- WHAT HAPPENED??" Sabre shouted as he caught up with me.

"He's my brother now, stuck in the same house as me! He's been keeping me from everyone and destroying my stuff if I don't obey!" I explained as I ran up the stairs, startling a few students.

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