Language Barrier

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Sabre is a chicken hybrid/werechicken (idk he can turn into a full on chicken) and lacks basic communication: he speaks in chicken. Literally only chicken noises.

How tf would one write a diary as a chicken?? How would you write it?? Like chicken scratch and pecking?? Or just "bawk bawk caw screeeeee"

Anyways- Sabre and Rainbow Steve meet.
But the difference is, Rainbow is more like Sabre in most AUs- he knows mechanical stuff and such.
He found Sabre injured, a wing torn completely off, his face scratched deep.

So naturally he took in the poor creature. He cared for his injuries, and fixed him up with a working metal wing not unlike that of Toothless and Hiccup.
When Sabre awoke, Rain almost assumed he had the intelligence of a chicken.

But he was fully aware, just as a normal humanoid would. He was confused, frightened, hurting. Sabre had a vague understanding of things, as if he were in a dream. But he couldn't remember why. He didn't recognize this creature..
He knew it was powerful though. Why? How did he know? All he remembered was he lived for a while in the woods. Before something attacked him.

It took months, but Sabre and Rainbow became friends, even beginning to communicate without words and with.
They were learning to understand one another! It felt amazing for Rainbow. He lived farther from the nearest village, and no one there was like him. He was unique. Which wasn't always the best..

But Sabre made the lonely days bright. This funny little humanish creature was much smarter than he thought, and boy did that make him happy. A new mystery to solve, a new friend to make! What a wonderful thing to have. A friend who felt just as out of place as the colorful Steve.

But one day, the two were out exploring. They met two humans. They reacted oddly to Sabre, as if..they recognized him?
It took several awkward minutes of speaking and writing on signs for the two humans and Rainbow Steve to realize the Steve was speaking English backwards. That's literally all.

With some help from the humans' recorder, they were able to reverse each other's words so both the Steve and the humans could understand. Poor Sabre, though, Rainbow had to translate for him a second time because he had less comprehension.

A few hours have passed and the four are friends. The humans explain that Sabre used to be their friend, but he vanished into the woods. Sabre had felt a strange sense of familiarity towards these supposed strangers, even felt it in his gut that he should trust them.
So why doesn't he remember how to human? Why doesn't he remember how to speak? Why do they sound like they're speaking an alien language?

Rainbow reassured him though that they will figure it out. They'll help him, stay by his side. Sabre clutched his little diary tight.

Rainbow and Sabre are comfortable enough with the two humans by the end of the day that they're willing to set up another time to meet with them. Over time they've become real friends. Sabre can't even understand them most of the time but he knows he loves them.
The two boys have even been trying to understand him better! Rainbow has been having a blast teaching them all more and more, showing him how to write in a standard language. It's been slow but Sabre's been so happy. He has friends who know who he is! He's not alone! He has people who want to help him!

Yet sometimes he feels alone still. The odd one out. Rain and the other two can talk to each other with no trouble. But with him, they have to spell everything out. He's felt like the dumb one so often. Like a burden. He's been the one they can't have a normal conversation with, ever...

One day Sabre just breaks. He confesses this feeling to Rainbow, using his small vocabulary. "Feel..alone. Do not belong... I am the dumb one. A burden."
Rainbow lost it when he heard those words.
"We're your friends. You're no burden. We want to include you.." it took a second to make sure Sabre understood. "..but we don't know what you know and don't know." Rqinbow motioned to his own head and to Sabre's head, then back over to his own as he spoke.
"We want you to belong," the Steve made a heart with his hands, before grabbing Sabre's and making one with him. "You are loved!"

Sabre melted. He understood every sweetened word. He hugged his friend closely.
"Want to write this to them?" Rainbow asked, making writing motions while piinting to the door leading them to the others.
Sabre nodded, a bittersweet smile on his face.

Rainbow grinned, grabbing a pad of paper. "I'll help."

It was months ago since they had started this secret project, but they did it! Sabre and Rainbow collaborated, making sure Rain knew just what he wanted to say.
Rainbow helped it make sense, in his own language. Then he had to go through the painstaking process of reversing every word so that his human friends would understand.

He had to double-translate, somehow. But he did it. Rainbow wrote a note on a separate paper, explaining things. He once again reversed the words, before leaving the envelope for his friends to read.

(Should Rainbow be replaced with RQ Orange? It wouldn't change much just alter his relationship to other Steves/alter his powers, I need more RQ stories)

This AU makes my heart happy :D
I love the slow friendship and discovery and aaaaaa they're so cute!!

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