WTWM scene I wrote instead of sleeping

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Haha I wrote a 4400 word thing instead of sleeping last night :')

But hey it's gonna be part of the 4th or 5th chapter so that's cool

Also I need an editor for the new chapters
Please this scene is such a mess HeLp

AnywaY- yeah enjoy my late night writing ig

Warning: few swears near the end, lots of angst


"Okay let's start off easy. There's two main things that exist in the Steve Realm I'm used to that's not in the Steve Saga's.

The Darkness and the Crystals.

There are seven crystals, one for each color. Unlike the Steve Saga, there are Orange, Indigo, and Violet Steves. Long story short, each color represents a specific concept.
In standard rainbow order it goes: wisdom, creativity, energy, health, spirit, connection, and love. This gives each crystal a special ability, such as the red crystal providing knowledge.

The Darkness rivals the crystals, created from a hero's corruption. Darkness generally appears as living shadow creatures, sometimes a Beast. A Darkness Beast is gigantic, one was able to siege an entire kingdom alone..

To be fair, no one was doing anything until I took charge- Soooooo I don't think said kingdom was anywhere near ready to deal with it in the first place-"

He laughed quietly to himself, reminiscing memories of being the under-qualified general of the TNT cannons.

"Yeah. They needed some help there-

Anyways, the Darkness truly isn't a laughing matter. It is terrifying. Its primary form of offense is infecting others, spreading itself across the land. The Darkness seeked to destroy the world into nothingness.
It almost did.
The first time I had accidentally released the Darkness from its temple prison. I had met this Red Steve for only a few hours, and he was infected because of me.."

Sabre bit his fist, trying not to cry. His first friend, along with so many others, was dead because of him.

"I...I watched him die. He pleaded for his closest and oldest friend to kill him, that's how freaking awful it is to be infected. It had already gotten in his eye, and he knew what would happen if it got worse.

The Darkness would've gotten in his mind, in his heart. He would lose control. He would be forced to give in sooner or later and succumb to the Darkness. He would've attacked me and his friend, Orange Steve.

Orange is here right now, in fact.

Don't pressure him into talking about this. I don't want to remind him of one of my many failures as a hero..."

He lifted his bandanna, wiping away black tears threatening to spill.

"There's so much more blood on my hands.

It's all my fault..the Steves would have lived on happily if I never came back to their world.
I wish I never opened that temple. I wish I never touched that stupid message. I wish I could go back and stop myself from brining all this misery to them.
They never deserved it..."

Sabre's voice was barely a whisper as he fell silent, mourning his past mistakes.

'Hey, it's alright. Those Steves don't hate you for all of this.'

Why should I believe your lies? They all know it's my fault. Orange Steve knows I caused all of it. ×'

'Because I've regretted a lot of my past. Sure, I saved some of them. I killed Nightmare, I stopped Reverse. But a lot of the chaos was because of me being stupid.
In fact, the part I talked about earlier that I asked you to ignore was really recent...it was such a stupid move and I paid for it.
What I'm saying is we made mistakes but everyone we hurt tends to still love us.

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