Roleswap TR AU

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Sooo. Have some of my TR Roleswap AU! This is when I first wrote it down, so you get like alllll the main storyline!

If you want more, check my announcements for when I first mentioned this AU, or my YouTube channel for some of it too! That'll be posted here too.
The header's my Gacha Life 2 design for TR Shadow in this AU.

As usual: spoilers for Twisted Rainbow. And the usual horrors of TR y'know.

In this story, listening and violence go hand in hand. No one will listen without violence. Even M struggles to believe Shadow knows what will come, to trust someone.

Shadow at first is terrified by Origin/TFC's voices in his head. Origin gives him his name Shadow Sabre. Shadow tries to ask for help, why is he here, what happened, who is he. No answer. Origin can't say everything, he knows Shadow is capable of helping people now.

It happens again - Shadow is forced to take the Cursed Sword and attack the Twisted. TFC was determined to get him to do so, and takes pleasure in seeing him attack. Shadow hates it though, and is horrified that this is what Sabre had to go through. He holds onto it anyways.

Twisted does not stop until Shadow chokes him/throws him like Twisted Sabre, growing terror leaving him running away.

Sabre, as the Elite, does not listen either, not until Shadow is forced into pretending to take the Core and destroys his armor. By then, Sabre has disappointed TGO, and is also scared of Shadow. Shadow tried to convince him to take off his helmet and look at his reflection, to no avail. Just like og Sabre, Shadow goes unheard.

When Shadow finds M, he is so so excited- all he wants is to learn to be a better person and befriend M. And see the Yellow Steves. But M is unwilling to leave Twisted, out of fear of what Twisted may do to him. Even if he knows the original universe.

Shadow still comes with M to Twisted's base, and pretends to not know Twisted is evil (in front of Twisted). He tries repeatedly to convince M to run away with him. M doesn't, and can't, not until later.

When Shadow sees Sabre is in his place, Shadow is horrified - and determined to change that. He lets Sabre "kidnap" him, just simply to avoid excessive conflict. Shadow interrupts Sabre when he tries to convince Shadow Twisted is evil, saying he knows. Shadow tries to explain that he was in Sabre's position, and he needs to listen, and he doesn't want Sabre making the same mistake he made.

Sabre ignores him, assuming him to be simply hysterical and not making sense. Shadow tries to convince him to take his helmet off and look at his reflection. Sabre assumes he's trying to trick him into being vulnerable.

Origin gets an extension on his life just to end up in the roleswap universe to see Shadow.

TFC, whether or not he knows of the original universe, doesn't expect Shadow to keep his memories/rebel against him.

Hypno doesn't see that Shadow's intention is to simply make people listen to him, and eventually teams with Twisted again despite knowing about the og timeline of the TR universe.

Shadow tries to stick it out as long as possible, never wavering in his goal of peace, but it hurts to see Sabre do what he did and M left in such a terrible place. TFC keeps trying to trick Shadow and he refuses, determined to follow through with what og Sabre couldn't, in his honor. But he sees quickly that no one will listen without violence.
Shadow finally gives in a little to TFC, letting the armies be crushed. But before choking Twisted/throwing both him and Sabre around, he tries to advocate for peace. They don't listen. He's forced to attack, to TFC's delight and the others' horror, and to his own horror.

He asks them to listen. To give up violence and the beliefs they've been taught, particularly Sabre. Sabre is concerned but not wavering. Twisted doesn't care. Shadow angles a throw in hopes of sending Sabre to the Yellow Steves, but it takes the second throw later to do so. He chokes Twisted and yadayadayada for what TFC wants him to do.
The details between the beginning and end aren't fully thought out since I haven't watched that.

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