Roleswap TR AU - pt 2

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Originally posted on YT community post.
Featuring a ramble about the TR universe in general bc reasons.

TW mild blood and extra eyes. also sorta..body dysmorphia? Idk.

So I've been indulging in the ✨️body horror community ✨️ for awhile and decided I might as well post my various bs for my fellow horror enjoyers.
This one's an AU, and not so much body horror on the surface but BOY is it dark.

So anyways. Twisted Rainbow spoilers. Series by FavreMySabre.

Shadow Sabre from the Twisted Rainbow universe is not human. He is a creation of the Darkness, most likely. He is the "shadow twin" sort of thing to the only human - Sabre, and he had no idea. That is, until Sabre - a normally kind, gentle person, becomes power-hungry due to being targeted at his lowest point by TFC. The First Curse gave Sabre a cursed sword, which gave him untold power. Sabre went on a rampage, consumed by vengeance.
Shadow had done many terrible deeds, but two stood out - infecting an innocent person whom Sabre attempted to befriend in this crazy, wartorn world, taking Sabre's last shred of hope. And not listening to Sabre, as he pleaded to stop this war. Shadow was the Elite Dark Guard, and with that came the order to create an army of Darkness..through infecting innocents. The very same as the opposition, Twisted.
The armor covered Shadow's true identity, and he had no knowledge of his true identity..until Sabre destroyed the armor. Even in a state of insanity, Sabre ran when he saw his enemy bore his own face. Shadow still did not know. Until the next fight, in which he attempted to use a new kind of armor. Armor given by the Yellow Village, who were kind even though they were aware of Shadow's deeds. That place was unaffected by the cruel war, and it showed.
But even with a new form of power not given by exploitation of others, after being kicked out of the Dark Guard and forced to fight his own former leader, Shadow lost. Sabre absorbed The Great One and Twisted's power, enabling him to become all powerful. Sabre stripped him of armor, and forced him to behold his true identity.
Sabre destroyed the world, seeking only revenge. An angel too good for this cruel world, corrupted by an evil unable to be conquered.

This is where this AU comes in. You see, this is a Roleswap AU. In the original series, the whole TR universe exists within Sabre's mind - because TFC caused a curse. A curse that spans the multiverse, in which all versions of Sabre are cursed to suffer. TR Sabre tried to subvert the curse, but the cruel universe created within himself demonstrated it will not change.

Spoilers over!

So. Shadow is the sole survivor in the timeline's destruction, and so the curse repeats. He has a new timeline created within his mind, in which he is TFC's plaything, hopeless, voiceless. And Sabre is now the Elite Dark Guard.
Shadow becomes human, something...alien, unnatural. Black blood seems strange to you, but this is normal to him. Red blood is new. Different. Wrong.

Besides inherently being different physically, his own identity is no longer concrete. He does not remember who he is beyond being the Elite Dark Guard. What was he before? Was there a before? What is he now? Where? Why? How? These questions flood his mind.
And there. The back of his mind, two voices. One kind yet mysteriously powerful (light blue). One deadly, yet uncomfortably beckoning.. (magenta). These voices, they're...guiding him. Yet he fears he should not trust them...but who else can he trust? Not himself, nothing seems to make sense..

I might post more about this, so stick around! There's more horrors currently unable to be perceived 🥰


The only reason I ramble abt TR in the beginning is cause I wasn't sure how many of my subscribers actually knew about TR, and how many would just want body horror lol.
I've got a crap ton with my roleswap AUs, so there's plenty of ramblings to post here real soon!

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