This Beautiful Tragedy of Ours

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Today I made an angsty AU~
I didn't even mean to make it angsty- I was just writing and eventually it just- yeah-

Anyways this features whom I'll call the redeemed trio - Steve Saga!Nightmare, Rainbow Quest!Dark, and Twisted Rainbow!Shadow Sabre.


There's 3 people in the FavreMySabre Steve universe that were reformed villains with different legacies..

SS Nightmare, whose redemption has been forgotten

RQ Dark, who will be remembered as a hero

And TR Shadow, who failed to save his world and thus his heroism, who will be remembered as a failure

Basically the trio is merged together, each at the end of their journeys

SS Nightmare when he was a Yellow Steve (died of old age during Origin era)
RQ Dark after he lost his physical form and lived as a ghost (post-TFC, he saw it all)
TR Shadow after Sabre ended their universe

They were sent to RQ, not long before the Shadow Sabre era
They were barely conscious when Sabre found them, and stayed quiet as Sabre picked them up and took them to the home in the village he, Time, and Dark have.

Time and Dark weren't home and soon they wake. They freaked out, but Sabre calmed them down despite them looking like an enemy of some sort.
Their merged form is called Darkmare Shabre or DNSS.
DNSS doesn't quite understand what they are or what's happening, they just feel lost and confused. They have mixed feelings toward Sabre, and can't tell if they know or don't know Dark and Time. Though Dark felt oddly familiar, they didn't mention it.

Dark and Time showed up soon after DNSS is told where they are by Sabre. Dark is confused and a bit concerned, but Time is ready to fight if need be.
Of course, Time is plenty patient and ready to listen too. DNSS explains their strange memories and inexplicable emotions towards the others.

Dark notices himself in DNSS and asks DNSS if he can see under their bandanna. They oblige, and Dark is slightly surprised to see his own black, dripping eye staring back at him.
With this information, the four realize DNSS is a merged entity.

Before they can do anything about that, the beginning of the Shadow Sabre arc occurs.
It's still a short period of time before Time separates DNSS.

When that happens, TR Shadow is the most surprising person to appear. At that point, everyone knew RQ Shadow was evil. TR Shadow freaks out, scared not only that they'll hurt him but that they'll think he's evil like his RQ self. He knows what he is but never told anyone til it was too late.

Future Dark (FR Dark) immediately explains he's from the future, and what will become of him. Nightmare is just...there. He has no idea why he's Nightmare again nor what is happening.

Sabre and Shadow have a moment alone, where Shadow confesses to the truth. Who he is, what he's done, how he tried and failed to redeem himself.
Sabre just hugs him, knowing Shadow isn't his Shadow. And with a version of Shadow on their side, maybe he can be defeated sooner!

Nightmare hastily explains who he was, and that he isn't RQ Dark's Nightmare. Past Dark (PS Dark) is relieved. FR Dark soon explains to the gang what the future holds.

Fate can't be changed though. PS Dark still is used by RQ Shadow for evil.
FR Dark does his best to help.

Somewhere in the middle, TR M arrives. He is severely injured, attempting to drag TR Assistant Steve with him. TR Shadow is with the gang when M shows up. Shadow ran to M's side, pushing Assistant off his old friend. He's devastated, and soon he teleports on his own to the village.

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