Steve Saga AU - Vampire vs Apocalypse

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A slight change of name, but it's the Vampocalypse/Halloween AU!
A lot sillier than it seems-

Trigger warning: gore/dead body/body mutilation, mention of wild animal attack


"Sabre!!" I heard Rainbow shout.

I ran to the living room, concerned. "What?? What happened? Did someone die again, do I need to call Plague?"

Rainbow shook his head, clearly upset by whatever happened. "No- Lucas and I.. we- found an unknown body near the path's- it's fresh."

"Oh crUD- okay okay uh go get Plague. Where is it now-" I looked at him, bewildered.
What killed them? We have a strict no-killing-humans rule. What if the beast is out there, what if it's more powerful than us? Or makes us go insane? Or worse??

"Lucas and Yellow are taking it up to the porch right now..we didn't see anything that could've attacked..there was blood.." He gulped, eyes wide, "..blood trailing down the hill. Whatever got to them, really hurt.."

"Okay thank you, I'll get to checking out the area right away. Just get Plague and we'll deal with this later."

"Okay." He nodded grimly.

We may have a zombie and such amongst us, but that didn't change how squeamish some of us were. Especially since this was an unknown human (presumably) that just recently was attacked and killed on our hill.

Rainbow left hastily as I went to see this stranger. I saw Lucas with a big, blood-stained blanket, carrying it slowly to the front of the castle with Yellow.

"Sabre! They're still alive! You could save them!" He exclaimed, concerned.

"Oh my gosh-" I ran over, helping them lower the stranger onto the ground.

If they were alive, I could save them. But I didn't want to turn them into a vampire!

Wait- doesn't Purple have a spell that undoes transformations? It obviously never worked on us, but maybe-
Doesn't matter. I need to save them.

[Gore time~]

I almost puked from the mangled mess of viscera and gore. The stranger's chest was torn open, revealing a slowly beating heart. One lung was completely missing. I couldn't even make out their face, it was mutilated beyond recognition. I could hear them struggling to breathe.

[It's over now, you can look again]

I shut my eyes and bit their neck. Tasted gross. Like dirt and rotten food. Clearly wasn't taking good care of themselves.

"Bleh!" I spat out their blood. "Nasty. They should live though.. Go get a bottle of blood. And find Purple, I need to see if he has an undo spell."  I wiped away the blood on my chin.

I could see their organs regenerating before my eyes. I knew it'd only last long enough to heal their major injuries. I'd have to make them drink the blood to recover fully.

"I'll get the blood," Lucas said, trotting into the castle.

"I'll look for Purple!!" Yellow turned and ran inside, causing minor lightning. "PURPPPPPPPLE!!!!!!"

I could see his lightning appearing throughout the castle, making me laugh. Everyone will be so mad. It was only 9 am and at least half of us slept in at least til 11.

I could hear the stranger taking deep breaths. I looked back at them. Their chest was closing up finally. They suddenly sat up, making me jump.

"Who- who are you?!? Where am I?!" They shouted with a hoarse voice.

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