Digital Magic

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Steve Saga AU where Elan has ✨️powers✨️

So, this takes place during the Reality arc, when Reality Steve stole Sabre's account.

So, in this AU the Steves and such are real, and Elan knows it. He never tells us, though.
Additionally, Elan can pause what's happening in the server by simply leaving. When he returns, time unpauses.

He also is aware that he could respawn, use commands, etc., but he's scared that if he uses those things he could corrupt the Steve Saga's files and/or certain people's code.

So he never used any of it. And he doesn't want to use alt accounts like when Shadow took control of his character.
Sabre's character also isn't "alive," he's just basically his IRL self's vessel.

Now, the actual story.
Elan paused time after Reality took his account, because while his character was stuck, he could minimize the Minecraft window and it would pause everything.

The exchange of power between Reality and c!Sabre caused a catalyst in the real world..
Elan suddenly had the power to reach inside of anything digital and pull stuff out.

If he pulls out his own creations though...faceless entities appear in their place.

Like Rainbow Steve. Let's say he pulls up the episode where Rainbow sacrifices himself, and pulls out his old friend.
A glitching, faceless, unanimated sprite takes Rain's place.
It looks like a Minecraft character sprite, but since it's from a video, it faces forward and doesn't move, only teleports around and floats across video thumbnails. Completely unanimated.

Elan however can literally squish them like a bug. Only if he decides to squeeze a tiny doll-sized creature to death with his bare hands.

So, in the story Elan pauses to take a break, minimizing the Minecraft window where he, Alex, and the Guardian are in the Illusion Town. He notes that there's a second window, but doesn't look at it.

At some point after he returns he realizes he can literally put his hand into the digital world.
He freaks out, but somehow manages to not be noticed by his friends. He ignores the secondary window.

Eventually he asks the two to come closer. The Guardian is confused, and asks why. Elan, as casually as possible, sticks his hand through his monitor. "See? Portal," he tries to smile.

In the Minecraft realm, it's like a portal opened up right in front of Sabre. Alex is wary, The Guardian is confused and both are surprised. They come closer, asking for Sabre to explain. Elan just pulls them both through, his stuff moved to the side.

He manages to avoid falling onto his back, but both of his friends fall.
"Oh jeez- sorry- I- I still have no idea how this works-" Q~Q

Elan had no clue how he just did that. Heck, he had no idea why he did! It's not like Reality Steve was going to destroy them, he wasn't even there!

Welp, it was too late to back out now.

He tried multiple times to explain, failing every time. How do you explain that your enemy was right all along, in general? How do you explain that they're wrong only about you?

Reality was completely that the Steve Saga was in a game. But for a long time Elan hasn't seen it that way. He's gotten more worried about other servers and other MC worlds coming to life too. He cares about the Steves - they're his friends.

So why now was he failing to find the words to explain that? Well...he was freaking out over what this could do to the code.

Eventually, though, Elan got himself together enough to explain the basics: this is his world, it is true that he himself would live on if he died in the server, and despite the fact that Reailty is technically right, he doesn't see the Steves as part of a game.

...and also the fact that he has powers. Apparently.

But as soon as his friends are able to register all this, Sabre realizes something is terribly off.

This is when the faceless entities are revealed - in Minecraft they're like creepypastas. They look unsettling, what with their uncanny valley sort of appearance. They sort of look like glitching, simplified versions of the originals. Not really, but yknow what, whatever.

Elan rushes between his friends, slowly moving his character's view..
The "ghosts" were slowly moving towards his character.

So Elan said screw it. He went to his commands, about to change his gamemode, only to realize Sabre could fly thanks to Reality's powers.
He makes this revelation in a few seconds, before flying off towards where that Green Steve would be, presumably.

Stressed, he quickly tries to explain what was happening and his theory as to why.

Soon he finds the lonely Steve.
Elan asks The Guardian and Alex to stay quiet so he can talk to the Steve without freaking him out more.

Quickly, he lands on the ground and sprints up to the startled Steve, immediately explaining things.
Green was plenty freaked out, but trusted Sabre. He may be rusty with building machines, but he's a good person.

Green calms his nerves and shuts his eyes, letting Elan pull him through. Elan immediately minimizes the window again.

Once again, he explains everything he knows.
But then he remembers Reality and that secondary window. Checking it, Elan discovers Reality glitching as he stands in the Hypixel lobby.
Elan feels terrible for the guy, and decides it's best if he takes him into the real world once he returns to the server.

It's not long until Reality returns, freaking out even more when Sabre is gone and the other two were...something else.
Elan opens up his character's window and swears internally as he sees Green's "ghost." He flies off, finding the Illusion Town and not even bothering to explain things, he just pulls Reality through.

On the other side, Elan falls onto his back, holding Galaxy and Illusion.

After a good while of confusion, Sabre concludes that Reality's glitching earlier caused him to split when he came through the monitor.
And because he didn't tell Reality anything, he probably made him panic.

Elan's already minimized the windows, by the way.

After explaining the whole mess a third time, Elan gets an idea.
Could he do this with Rainbow?
It would have to be via a video, but still..

He explains things as he opens Google and goes onto YouTube, finding that episode I mentioned earlier.
It goes as planned, Rainbow is pulled through the computer and Elan explains that this is months after the time he is from and all that.

Elan goes into panic mode when he sees Rainbow's "ghost." He hides under his desk, hyperventilating.
Alex minimizes the window while Galaxy and Rainbow comforted their friend.

Later on Elan tries to make a video to us, the Sky People, but he keeps tripping over his words and really doesn't know how to explain things. His friends help him.

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