New RQ AU - Living Kingdom

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Sooooo yeah. Imagine Rainbow Quest but the Rainbow Kingdom is sentient and living.
Sol getting bricks thrown at him until he shuts up. Or gets dragged away by tree roots.
Farms being expanded overnight when all those Indigo and Blue Steves got there.
The Rainbow Kingdom sensing Sabre's intentions and letting him in, despite being infected with Darkness.
Light basing his assumptions on the kingdom's choices, knowing it'd never let a dangerous person in.
When Dark Steve comes back, Sabre takes him to the Kingdom and immediately the Kingdom greets him with beautiful black tulips, a variety no one's ever seen before.
Trash and debris tumbling into piles every night for workers to take care of every morning.
Residents sleeping peacefully knowing nothing will hurt them now.

The Rainbow Kingdom noticing Sabre's power before he unleashes it upon the seige of Darkness Soul and Corruption came with.

The Rainbow Kingdom being the last place of safety at the end of it all, fighting against The First Curse's destruction with all its might.
Cracks forming at the edges, only to be quickly filled in with dirt.
The last home left.

The Rainbow Kingdom expanding itself into the new kingdoms we see in the Aftermath series.
Every color having its own living kingdom, even the Red Steves.
The Rainbow Kingdom continuing on forever after in peace, in the center of all the kingdoms.
The heart of life, after Sabre left.

Just- living kingdoms!

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