Fourth-wall-breaking OC AU ft. eldritch abominations

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That's one hell of a title-

This is an OC-based AU, but I promise it's not what you expect. These two are the combination of all the Steves (and Sabre) in the Steve Saga and Rainbow Quest universes!

They're known as Saga and Quest.
One of their most notable features are their many limbs and patchy appearances. They have the memories of all the Steves along with their powers.

So they're basically like a reverse hivemind- many minds in one body rather than one mind within many.
This makes their lives a hell of a lot crazier. They DO NOT have DID nor are they meant to be DID coded okay!

Also be warned I don't know if there's uncensored swearing in part 2 of this-

But yeah, they're freaky lil guys and I love them 🥰

Trigger warnings - body horror, many eyes, many limbs, identity crisis.


I woke up, my head pounding in pain.

"Nghhhh, why does my head hurt-" I moaned as my eyes fluttered open.

I paused, staring at an unfamiliar scene. I knew I was in an alleyway, but everything I can't explain it.
There weren't any weird objects in my immediate view, but the proportions of everything felt wrong.
I glanced up, noticing fluffy white things in the blue sky. Clouds?

"Wha- am I hallucinating or am I in a weird dimension?"

I squinted at the tinted glass a few blocks from me. I could vaguely see odd shapes in the brick building, yet couldn't make out what I was seeing.

Then I realized something strange.
Between the two sentences I spoke, my voice didn't sound the same.

"Uh- AHem- Testing, testing..?" I said, confused.
My eyes widened as I realized my voice was deeper than before.

"Is that..? N-no, it can't be.." I said softly, fearing the worst.
That third voice sounded just like Void.

I looked down absent-mindedly, internally screaming.
And then I screamed for real.


For starters, I had 4 arms. Definitely not normal.
One was definitely a Darkness-based Steve like Void or Dark. Its pair was Light Steve, which sent me panicking more.
How could I be Light and Darkness at the same time?

My outfit was a mess, to the point where I can barely describe it. I could make out different Steves in the strange patterns and colors though.

A chunk of Nightmare's robes, various rings of different leaders, Prof. Red's lab coat, Void's cloak, a piece of the Core in my chest like Assistant Steve, M's cloak, one of Sol's golden boots, Elemental's vines, The First Curse's..uh..skirt?, one of Time's boots, Ghost's tunic, Sabre's arm, one half of Reverse's leggings...

I gawked at myself for ages, taking in all the weird details.

Like the orange crystal embedded in my upper chest, the Light Crystal hung around my neck on a golden cord, the "Earth" patch from Sabre's green hoodie stitched onto Light's sleeve instead, glowing purple cracks down my visible obsidian-black leg...

When I finally started wrapping my head around the situation, I saw out of the corner of my eye someone staring at me.

"Dude, what the hell is that..." One whispered.

Nevermind. Two people were staring at me.

They sort of reminded me of Sabre, at least with the lack of colorful traits besides clothes.

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