Human Machine

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A Steve Saga AU.

Based on Tumblr post I once saw, "you've seen the trope of cutting flesh and revealing machinery, now imagine this: cutting into a machine to reveal bloody flesh." Something like that.

Sabre lives in a slightly futuristic world, where people can send in their designs of AI to be built in one of the ICompany's nearby facilities.
Sabre himself in fact finds joy in quietly designing these machines, trying to give them each unique personalities and abilities, in a way.
He's only shown the sketchbook to his close friend and neighbor, Lucas. No one else has known about this, despite Sabre showing a clear interest in it.

One day he finally gets the money together to pay for one to be built; he carefully chose one clock-faced kind boi. Time Steve.
He's never been good with names, so he tended to just use his younger self's Minecraft roleplay character names. Still not super good but at least they're creative!

But at last, weeks pass and he's come to the facility to pick up his new companion and creation.
He's happy to have someone he can just *know* and not have to worry about making a good first impression or anything.

However, as he walks up to the holding warehouse, he realizes something's off. Time is already awake and mildly confused, yet happy when he sees Sabre coming.

Sabre brushes it off as a minor fluke, as does Time.
Time is aware that as an AI he is Sabre's creation, but doesn't worry. He's happy because he knows his creator has good intentions and isn't some jerk running a big company and wanting to get away with crimes or a creep making some weird crap.

The new friends were leaving when something hurts both of them.
Sabre's cheek is scraped deep, but doesn't bleed heavily.. his eye glitched, the visuals going offline but not his vision.

Sabre reaches up, feeling exposed wire and hacked metal. His left eye was only tiny green glowing ones and zeroes against a black screen of sorts.

Quickly, Sabre covers his right eye with his bandanna, trying to cover his broken face. He doesn't realize the other eye was the one that went down.

Time, his arm was cut into. His wasn't completely made of wires and metal. There was flesh. A lot of it.
His first thought is to cover it, only to notice the awful feeling of blood against metal hands.

Panicking, they both fled the area, now being chased down by the officials they once respected. As they ran into a smaller building, Sabre flinches as his other eye glitched out, eventually also going black. He snatched off his bandanna and quickly asked if his other eye went out. Time confirms with a small grim nod.

They eventually end up evading their pursuers by hiding in a janitorial closet.

[This is basically a mix of Detriot: Become Human, FNAF, and a hint of Bioshock.]

The shaken up duo regrouped after finding some bandages and wrapping up their wounds.
But then the door opened.
Time ran to one side of the door and Sabre ran to the other, both leaning against the walls/shelves as still as possible.
Sabre held his breath as a yellow janitorial bin was rolled in, only a hand was seen.

The door shut and tension was lifted slightly. Looking at one another, they both had one thought.


Time helped Sabre onto his shoulders, Sabre helping his friend up after struggling himself.
They wandered the vents, neither certain of where they would lead.
Until they ended up at a fork in the road.

There was a vertical vent, with three horizontal offshoots.
Time considered turning around, but Sabre decided to push ahead. He switched places, and leapt as far as he could.

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