Center of the Freakshow

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Tw: mention of cut off limbs, kidnapping, torture

So this started off with thinking about this fanart I saw of Sabre, one which mentioned he had wings but they were cut off and sold.

Sooo of course I wondered "but what if he had regen?"

Okay, but then imagine this: Sabre is caught by whatever abusive group is behind the first attack, and put in a cage

For a while they just keep cutting off the wings. Then they try cutting a finger..
Oops. Looks like Sabre's got full body regeneration!
Too bad for him, cause now he gets to endure the worst torture ever.

Eventually they stop this madness, but only because the group decides to let a circus "borrow" him. They just want to show him off like a trophy..
But hey despite the demeaning situation at least he isn't getting amputated constantly!

Now here's where the hurt/comfort begins~

A young child with a colorful pony-like tail is thrown into Sabre's enclosure. Sabre of course is concerned and immeadiately decides he shall protect them with his life.
You choose who it is~ (Idk who it will be, so it's open to any character)

Until a few days later, after they've bonded, do the circus staff arrive to take the child away to a different zone.
Sabre attempts to retaliate, giving the kid time to escape.

But the staff and the group holding Sabre hostage are ready. One whips out a weapon as another ropes Sabre by the neck, the others blocking the child in.

The one brandishing the knife holds it close to Sabre's neck, threatening to slice his head off if he tried to save the poor child.

But then the group members pull out a document, showing Sabre photos of the same kid seemingly the reason for various crimes and problems, like flooding a house.

Sabre refuses to believe it, and as soon as the ropes around his neck were loosened he threw them off, grabbed the kid, and fled. He flew above the town a bit to throw the circus and group off their trail.

Sabre mentioned that he saved them despite the "evidence" against them because of the amputations, he wouldn't want anyone to go through that.

The colorful child held on for dear life, mentioning that while most of the photos were real, they didn't mean to. Or they had such little control that they just couldn't do it right.
Though that exploded building photo was totally fake.

Eventually they land in the countryside, exhausted and shaken up.


This is actually one I completely forgot about until I found it in that doc I mentioned last chapter, so the name was thought of just now

Also changed it slightly, the circus was a zoo but I felt like including freakshow in the title sooo-


Anyway expect similar instances of angsty AUs like this, not all of them are gory but still kinda horrific

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