RoleSwap RQ AU part 2

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So I've been writing some more RoleSwap AU! Here's part 2 of the RQ version! :D


I could hear Shy and Happy downstairs. The leader was right on it, heh.

I didn't bother trying to listen, if they needed me they'd come up there.

Boy, the leader's bed was so comfy! There was like half a dozen handmade pillows and several lil stuffed animals :3

I drifted off, soon the conversation downstairs morphed into a babbling brook in a quiet forest. Mmmmm, lucid dream! Usually I can never do those, heh.

I just walked to the brook, looking at the beautiful landscape. Suddenly it morphed again, now pure white. I turned and saw...what? that?

"Hello? Uh..who..are you?"

The figure in red chuckled.
"I expected you to recognize me, if you truly are who you say you are."

Wait..they...look kinda like The First Curse but slightly different. They sound like Origin..

"Holy- hi!! I- don't actually know who you are but yeah, I know you! You're Origin in my timeline, heh!" I laughed, how could I not realize this?

They laughed. "It's nice to see you too, Sabre. I'm ~~~~"

"What? Who-"

"Ah. Looks like someone's waking you up. Enjoy the living realm, Sabre."

"Wait-" I opened my eyes to the leader staring.


"Hello. You fell asleep, heh."

I sat up. "Haha, yeah.." I almost considered telling him my dream. But y'know what? That can wait.

"Shy and Happy know now, but I think I accidentally mixed up details-"

"Oh, yeah, no problem! It gets so complicated I'm not sure I've got it all down!"

I slid off the bed. "Your bed's super comfy by the way. 10/10!"

The leader laughed as we headed downstairs.

"Hi Sab!" Happy greeted.

"Hello guys!" I realized Funny was there too. "Oh, hi Funny!"

"Hi Sabre!"

Awkward silence. Oof, this was gonna be a whole Thing.

"Well- that got awkward fast-"

Everyone laughed as I sat down. Orange grabbed me by the waist and held me in his lap, refusing to let me escape. Gerald licked my foot.

"Geralddddd! Stop licking my foot!" I laughed.
He just jumped onto my lap. "Oof! Gerald, you're way too big!" He stared me in the eyes and licked my face before running off.

"I guess he's hungry, heh." Orange laughed. "Or maybe just wanted to break the silence."

"Heh, yeah. Anyways- so um yeah- I'm not from this timeline-" I said awkwardly.

"Yeah, the leader said you'd been through a lot! He kept getting the things you said about me n Shy mixed up, heh.."

"Yeahh, it's a whole Thing, haha. Pretty much Galaxy and Light from the Yellow kingdom will be here in maybe a week, I can't remember. But in the future Light becomes good! And plus he'd be a good source of info for getting rid of the crystals.

Main issue is in my timeline, Light's other self, Dark, absorbed Happy before that happened. I have no idea what'll happen if we just evacuate everyone without letting him absorb Happy.
I hate it, but who knows what could happen if he stays evil. He may very well be the catalyst holding it all together.

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