Steve Saga - Vampire Vs Apocalypse pt 2

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More morsels of this AU. My personal favorite part so far, just for the gay jokes lol
Anyways, the header's the design for Tigori. Made with Monster Girl Maker 1.

"Hey, Sabre, how's the guy doing?" Lucas said, trotting into from the kitchen.

"Much better! I managed to get him to trust me and also explained how we ended up like this!"

"Yeah, apparently there's a whole apocalypse down there!" Rainbow added.

"Wait, what? An actual apocalypse?"

"With wild mutant beasts and murder drones!"

"Oh so like...cyberpunk dystopia plus wild animals?"

"Yup. Their name's Tigori, apparently their friends died to a boar-like creature that then went after him. We're planning on going down there to find them so Plague can revive them."

"Oh okay cool. I'm guessing I'll have to come as transport?" He sighed.

"I mean- Memory and Time could be it too. Just a little wilder, hah!" Rainbow suggested with a laugh.

"Heh. Yeah, totally. Anyways, what do you guys think we should do once we reverse Tigori's vampirism and save his friends?" I asked, sitting on the stairs.

"Hmm. Well, besides telling everyone what's happening, we need to learn as much as possible about the threats." Rainbow said. "Then we need to figure out the main source of the problems."

"Yeah! We can figure out if it'll need to be stealthy or if bringing like 30 people will cancel out all consequences-"

"Cancel consequences?" I interrupted.

"Eh, stealth or Russian stealth." Lucas shrugged.

I wheezed. "RUsSiAn StEaLtH-"

"Okay but he's totally right-" Rainbow said, trying not to laugh.

"See? He gets it!"

We all started laughing. Tigori showed up confused as heck.

"Uh- helloooo? What's happening here-"

"RUsSiAn StEaLtH." Licas said, making me giggle again.

"Pfft- w h a t?"

I took a deep breath. "Woo- memes my dude!"

"Ah. I- didn't expect you to even know about memes-"

"We have internet connection still!"

"Then why- whatever."

"Yeah we're oblivious. Anyways you look great in that!" I stood up.

"Heh, thanks. It's pretty comfy too, thanks for letting me wear this for now." He smiled.

"No prob. Anyways, you've met Lucas before-"

"Oh. Yeah. Uh, sorry for screaming at you earlier." They said awkwardly.

Lucas laughed. "It's all good. Completely understandable anyways."

I heard the creak of a door and saw Elemental slither out of his room.

"Hey sleepy snek!" I greeted.

He rubbed his eyes before staring at Tigori. "Sabre...who is this man and why is he wearing your clothes?"

"Oh god that makes it sound so much kinkier than it is- he uh died and needed new clothes-"

"I can see the bite mark. It's very much gay. I know everything." He said bluntly, making me blush in embarrassment.

"God- its not like that!"

"Consuming the blood of another man to save his life? Bet you licked his wounds clean~" he said with a sly smile as I just buried my face in my hands.

"El, why?"

He just laughed. "We're all gay here!"

"Huh. Didn't expect a castle full of gay aliens but here we are." Tigori said casually.

I looked up as Elemental jumped over the railing and landed on the main floor. He slithered over to the couch.

"Heh, yup. This place is full of surprises.. and gays. I'm Elemental." He said, curling up on the couch.

"Well- you certainly look like someone who'd be called that, heh. Cool tail!"

"Heh, thanks. You should see my brother Time. He's a spider."

"Wait- like a spider hybrid or tiny literal spider-"

"Hah, I wish. Then he wouldn't be able to web me to the ceiling! He's a spider hybrid."

"Ooh, cool!"

I laughed. "Hah, he's probably up right now anyways. Probably in the backyard."

Before I had a chance to do anything, Elemental teleported away with lightning.

"HOLY F*CK- WHERE'D HE GO?" Tigori shouted, running into my door. "Ow."

I laughed. "Steves can teleport with lightning. He's probably gone to find Time. He's really nice, unlike Illusion. He's still a salty teenager after all these years."

"Wait wait wait- a literal teenager or-"

"He's technically the youngest of all of us, hah. He's the only one of us that's been turned human. He got really pissed after realizing he didn't have powers and would have to live like a human." I laughed, remembering that first year. "God, all day he'd just sulk around the house. I mean, he already was like that. He's gotten a little better now that he has powers again. Still angry he's stuck as a human."

"So he acts like a teenager or is a teen?"

"Both, in Steve years he's probably a teen."

"Well now I want to meet this dude!"

I laughed. A moment of loud lightning sent Tigori backing into the door again.

Time was with Elemental now.

"So I heard there's a human here that wants to meet me?"

I heard a distinct 'oooh' from Tigori as he regained his footing.

"Hi! I'm Tigori!" They waved.

I realize now that the first part of this AU I posted was...very dark. It's not really like that, I just got too quickly into the main AU I didn't realize lol.
It's mostly crackfic, all the Steves are gonna fight an apocalypse but as their Halloween costumes' creatures.

Have I really left this book since JANUARY? Jesus..I'll try to post more! I just have to deal with college this next semester 😭 so idk I might post older, random stories- maybe OCs- sorry!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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