A Failed Hero's Second Chance part 2

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This AU is where Assistant Steve, Shadow Sabre, and M from the end of TR end up at the beginning. They get past Sabre, M, and Assistant on their side.


It's revealed when they try to teleport to the Yellow Steves that Shadow has both Yellow Steve energy and Darkness magic within him. PS M doesn't trust him for a moment, but Sabre and FR M convince him to stay.

They are welcomed into the Yellow village because that's just how they roll.

Sabre begins to learn of his origins and future as Shadow and FR M make battle plans. Shadow realizes he's become the leader, more specifically, parent friend, of the group.

The group is finally settling into a new normal. Sabre learning how to use the sword's powers and using weapons in general. The M's teaching Sabre (and more often than not, the Yellow Steves) robotics.
Shadow and the M's spying on the Twisted and Darkness and making battle plans. The Yellow Steves teaching Shadow how to use his Yellow energy.

One day, they manage to free the Professor Reds from their punishment, but not return their voices. The M's are delighted.

Until the original Sabre arrives. The group was out far away from the village, nowhere near anything important. Shadow and Sabre were practicing their powers when a crack in the sky opened up, future Sabre (craZ Sabre) coming from it like a vulture circling a dying creature.

Sabre has learned enough to do the same things craZ Sabre did before the finale. After a whole monologue of taunting the gang, craZ Sabre tries to get the Assistants to fight him to absorb their Core power too. It doesn't work, instead they teleport the gang even farther away.

Quickly, Shadow executes plan Doppelganger. It is for if craZ Sabre ever entered the world, Sabre would need to absorb the core, The Great One, and Twisted, then fight craZ Sabre, if he doesn't die before then.
Shadow would take him to the correct places, but Sabre would have to fight on his own.

CraZ Sabre is distracted by all the power sources in the world he doesn't know where to go first, giving them time. PS Assistant teleports them to the Core, where Sabre takes and absorbs it with no problem.

Shadow helps Sabre fight Twisted, keeping the Twisted at bay while Sabre fought Twisted Rainbow. With all the power of the Core, he goes down easily.

And with all the color crystals plus the light crystal, and then the Core, Sabre knew he was ready to fight The Great One. Shadow couldn't be there, as The Great One could take Shadow's Darkness, making everything slower, as Sabre was still learning to teleport seamlessly.

The first half went on in The Great One's domain, where Sabre barely held his ground. In the second half, Shadow teleported Sabre to the Overworld, making TGO come out to fight him.

Sabre overpowers him much quicker, absorbing him as well. He panics, feeling the Darkness grow upon his face. Shadow reassures him it's okay, and that the only thing he needs to worry about is fighting his other self.

Almost on cue, craZ Sabre appears. The Sabres battle it out for who gets the universe. Shadow gets tossed around aplenty before he runs away long enough for craZ Sabre to lose interest.

Sabre still uses the sword, while craZ Sabre just uses his fists. This turns out to be a fantastic thing, as the original sword was in the original universe- which craZ Sabre destroyed. He can't recreate it, thus he lost the advantage.

But he more than makes up for it in pure strength. He would've snapped Sabre in half if it weren't for the extra power. Sabre can easily anger craZ Sabre however, making him lose his train of thought and giving him a chance to play it smart.

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