Roleswap RQ and SS AUs (epic)

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So yeah. Two AUs, one for Rainbow Quest and the other for the Steve Saga! It gets really interesting really quick, that's all you need to know. And that everybody evil is good/everybody good is evil.

Let's start with the Steve Saga version! :D

Ooh yeah, right. Trigger warning: gore and getting sharp stuff stuck in your body

The crystal chunks burned like hellfire as they sank into my chest and arms.

I had successfully absorbed most of the blast. Yet it came with such a devastating price. My life for theirs. A trade I was willing to take.

I was so stupid. I made so many stupid mistakes. In the few moments I was not howling in pain, I was hating myself. Regretting. I didn't mean to anger that thing.
Didn't make it any less idiotic. Any less ignorant and useless and stupid.

I fell with the debris of the lab, falling deep, deep, deep into the void. The cold enveloped my mangled body. Yet it did not stop the flames of pure power burning its mark forever. I shut my eyes as tears and blood blurred my vision.

Images of my old friends, my life, my once heroic nature flashed past my burning eyes.
I could hear debris smashing into each other all around. Clang! I didn't care.

I could feel large chunks woosh past me, the breeze freezing my dying body.

"I..I'm sorry..." was the last words I spoke as my body grew heavy and cold.
I slowly raised my hand, holding the rainbow flower Rainbow Steve gave me long ago.
At least my friends would live. Those who are left, anyways.


I opened my eyes slowly.
They felt heavy. Like an anvil. My body too. Cold. Heavy.

"Nghhhhhh...what..happened..?" I muttered sleepily, closing my eyes again.

I was in a comfortable, warm bed. I snuggled into the covers. But as I lay there, memories floated from the fog of my sleepiness.

I bolted up.

"ALEX! G-GUARDIAN! GALAXY!" I looked around wildly, expecting to see my friends.

I froze.
"No. They're...not here. I- I left. I died. I- where am I?" I whispered nearly silently, hugging my knees close to my chest.

I looked up, confused. Instantly I recognized where I was.
The Rainbow Town.

Specifically, the second floor of the rainbow house. The randomly placed torches, a few double chests against a wall, the familiar colorful stained glass windows..

"Wha..." I stared at the room, more confused than ever. Warm tears fell, slow at first. Then faster and faster.

I didn't care how or why I was back. But I was back! I was home! Rainbow was alive! I couldn't believe it.

I could stop it all! I could keep them all alive! I just had to-

As I went to wipe away my tears of relief, I froze.

My hand...was gray.
It had talons. Like...
Shadow Sabre.

The tears came again. My heart raced.
Nononononono! Why do I look so pale?! Am I actually dead!? Is this even real?! Am- am I in hell?

I looked up again, hearing a familiar voice.

"Sabre?" I heard from downstairs.
It was Rainbow.
But in that moment, I was too panicked to think.
What is this place really? Is it all fake?! Am I dead for real and this is my hell?! Will I be forced to relive the same terrible events again and again, forever?!

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