AU ramble moment ft existential crisis

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I've just realized the most horrifying thing in my Steve Saga AU One Disaster After Another is the Guardian of the Spirit World's entire existence

ESPECIALLY if Sabre doesn't know about him until something similar to canon with Origin occurs and Sabre just ends up in the Spirit World
Like- imagine spending two years dealing with people that turned into supernatural entities that are now Actively Fighting Each Other
And you try to fight basically their own God and get sent out of the timeline
Only to end up in the supernatural race's equivalent of heaven and meet the grim reaper/angel of death/whatever he is

And due to Shenanigans™ said deity was once human and now isn't just like these supernatural entities, they're Distinctly Nonhuman but Somehow Different

I'm saying Sabre meeting the Guardian and learning the Steve equivalent of the grim reaper scrolls the internet and laughs at memes off the job would absolutely decimate him
Like what do you even do- this man has guided your dead friends and enemies' spirits into the afterlife but is just like you in a lot of ways??

I mean the main plot line itself is that the Steves were once human and were changed by extremely dangerous events and now who knows if your loved ones will even die normally or wind up a Red Steve instead-
So either way the whole AU is a bit freaky

Then again if we think of this from the Guardian's POV it'd be hilarious
You're working at your usual job and this guy you've heard ALLLLL the stories about just shows up and you're just wondering what the hell he did to wind up here of all places
And he tells you he just tried to go against God and got deleted from reality itself

I mean- the canon Origin thing won't be the same cause AU but still
The Guardian is a very fun character to use in a modern setting where this crap can happen

Imagine the Guardian tweeting selfies every time a new soul shows up

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