slightly unrelated

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Sooooo I have a notes app doc dedicated to keeping track of my AUs

Like I store as many blips and lil facts and oneshots in there as I can

And I just rechecked the word count

It's 15,069 words 0-0

Hehe funni number

But no, seriously, this doesn't include the oneshot I posted last chapter for WTWM and various other oneshots I've done recently


Okay, I did the math-
I've written 13,263 words between all those recent oneshots

So we have a grand total of...

28,332 words!

Holy crap that's a lot of fic writing

And this doesn't include everything I've written for WTWM that's been published either!

And yes, you will see all of these.

I just need to copy-paste each one into their own chapter and edit out the random comments and stuff unrelated to the stories.

And speaking of copy-paste, my phone's copy-paste feature breaks when I try to copy that giant doc into a word counter

Literally I have to paste 3 times to get the whole thing in, it's insane

Not to mention there's plenty of stuff I posted in my old announcement board on here that I couldn't copy into the doc either

So there's even more content out there, waiting to be found!

Anyways I have chores to get done so maybe I'll try to post one AU here every other day

Maybe I'll make that my routine, after I take a shower every other day I edit and post an AU.

Hmm I think I'll do that actually

See ya tomorrow then!

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