A Failed Hero's Second Chance

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A Twisted Rainbow AU.
Featuring time travel and trauma!

It takes place immediately after the end of the series, after the entire finale and everything is the same.

However, Twisted Shadow, Twisted Assistant Steve, and Twisted M are taken back to the beginning. The beginning of Sabre.

Shadow spots Sabre running through the forest, but out of fear he doesn't confront him. He's still very shaken up and weak from Sabre taking the golden armor and stripping him of all power.
He manages to get ahead of Sabre, running into M. They both watch from the treetops as Sabre fights off the Twisted by the abandoned house.

After Sabre freezes the Twisted and runs off, the ladybug duo finish gathering a few materials. Shadow and M had killed a cow and chicken for food before they met, so they had half the ingredients to make a writable book.
They stumbled upon a small river as they caught up with Sabre, collecting the last items. M pushed Shadow in to get the squid ink. Thankfully for Shadow, there was a small plateau underwater so he didn't get too wet.

They arrive in the Red kingdom's ruins just before Sabre and M would've met, meeting up with Assistant.
They stop Sabre from meeting past M, convincing the amnesiac the people are much more twisted than he thought. However, past M still finds them.

Past M and Sabre don't trust the trio, yet Shadow tries his best to convince them to trust him. Shadow's the only one with a working voice, so he must do all the work.

"Oksy okay! Fine! If nothing will convince you, then this should! Sabre, YOU become evil! M, YOU lose your voice because of Twisted!"

The two were stunned. Past M looked at his duplicate, finally noticing the tears and blood and magic binding his lips together.
Sabre tries to speak but stammers too much to say anything. He was already confused by his original situation - waking up with no memories in a strange land with a powerful sword he doesn't understand.
But this weird duplicate thing that looks like a dark, bruised up version of him, telling him he turns evil? He didn't know how to feel. He couldn't even imagine what happened. What will happen, if these people are really from the future.

M nods to Shadow, telling his companion he'll deal with his duplicate himself. Shadow nods back, looking to Sabre.

"...I know it's scary. I...didn't know what I truly was, until the...other you forced me to look at myself. I..I was stunned. Horrified. Unable to comprehend. I doubt you believe any of this, either of you," he nodded to M and Sabre, "but I fear what could happen if we didn't stop you.

Particularly you, Sabre. You were once so kind..I'm sorry in advance for what happened, for what I did. Twisted may have partly caused your spiral into madness too, but I know I am at fault. You two wouldn't know what happens, unless we confronted you.

Just know I tried to change. I realized my mistakes and tried to save a world that was doomed in the end. I..wish I had been stronger..that I..I had stopped them from fighting at all. That I had listened to you, Sabre...I'm sorry."

Shadow turned away, tears welling up in his eyes. He tried to fight it, tried to act tough. He shut his eyes as tight as possible, trying to blink away the tears and fear, failing.

"Are you...crying?"

Past M (PS M) and future M were 'talking' in the meantime, through the book.

"Is it true? Twisted did this to you? To...me?"

Future M (FR M) nodded.


'I disobeyed him, getting in the way when he tried to infect Sabre. Sabre didn't even know the truth, how evil Twisted truly was.'

"Sabre was a... friend?"

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