Roleswap RQ AU - pt 3

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Sorry for the long wait. This isn't part of the main storyline, but later on, when Sabre and Orange reach the Violet Steves.

Enjoy fluff!


I laughed quietly as the sheep turned into a portal - again. Orange Steve stared for a moment before just saying "...what just happened?"

"Heh, yep- That's a thing." I smiled, Orange Steve stifled his laugh.

"You- knew this would happen didn't you-" he facepalmed, trying not to laugh.

I glanced at the portal and laughed again. "Yup. This is still one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen- pfft- it even has a face!"

"Pfft- I didn't even realize it- heh-"

"Shall we?"

"We shall," he calmed down and straightened up.

We both ran straight for the Sheep Portal™.

I sighed happily. Last time I met the Violet Steves I was so awkward and kinda uncomfortable with their almost obsessive watching and giving-of-love-potions.
Now this was like a comfort zone.

Now that I think about it, how the hell did Void get there in the first place-
Did he have to convince a sheep to trust him or did he terrorize it til it let him in-

Either way, that's a hilarious mental image. Void just- chasing a sheep around screaming "LoVe mEEE!"

I didn't get dizzy thanks to the Sheep Portal™ this time.

I had to blink a few times to adjust to the bright colors of the Violet kingdom. Man, it's just as bright as I remembered. Maybe more so- only difference is the Steves themselves were a much darker shade of violet. Much better on the eyes.

"Heh, just as bright and lively as I remember," I muttered under my breath, smiling.

"Welcome, Sabre, we've been expecting you."
I looked up to see the Violet leader. A rush of mixed emotions washed over me. I remembered when I was overtaken by the Darkness I killed so many of his people. He held a grudge against me forever after. He hated me and didn't trust me for so long. I still felt guilty.

I shook my head, trying to shake those thoughts out of my head. This now isn't then. This isn't a time for guilt, but joy.

"Ah. Then you must be aware of why we've come here, leader. You probably already know this is Orange Steve then-"

My thoughts kept wandering back to my timeline though. I couldn't seem to push away the negative memories and guilt and hate.
I tried to focus on the tour. The "perfectly pretty pink pig pen," Gerald and the pigs visiting here, the shops... I kept thinking about before.

I...was slightly uncomfortable and annoyed by the Violet Steves, more than the other colors.
I killed mostly Violet Steves when overtook by Darkness. that slight dislike to its advantage?
Did I kill them because I found them ever so slightly annoying?? Would any dislike towards anyone be used against you?? Any slight contempt, vague jealousy, anything negative towards anyone else be used to hurt them??

I froze. Holy crap holy crap holy crap what the FUCK-

"Sabre?" Orange turned to me with concern.

Come on Sabre, get yourself together. Trauma can wait, just chill.

I shook my head violently and gulped. "I'm- fine- sorry, got lost in thought-" I smiled, hopefully covering my sudden horror.

"Okay man," Orange Steve gave me a sideways Look™. Crud, he definitely knows something's up.

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