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it was the first day of senior year, and mavis had just finished getting ready for the day.

she was currently waiting behind her front door, watching through the window for the familiar minivan to pull up.

ever since matt had gotten his license, it had been tradition for the girl to ride with the triplets to school everyday.

when she noticed the vehicle finally pull up, she pulled the door open and ran out to open the passenger side door of the car. unfortunately, chris was currently sat in the front seat.

"what the fuck? get out of my spot." she scolded him.

"uh, i can sit wherever i want." chris looked at her, clearly unaffected by her demand.

"uh, no you can't. i literally always sit next to matt." mavis threw her hand up, annoyed as she spoke.

"well i personally don't give a fuck." chris shot her a sarcastic smile, moving to try to pull the door closed.

to his surprise, mavis was decently strong. she yanked it back outwards, keeping it held open.

"look, can you stop being a dick and just go sit in the back so that we can sit in our normal spots?" she brushed a strand of her bright red hair behind her ear.

"can you stop being bitchy and sit your ass in the back? it's the first day of senior year, i need to make an entrance." chris did a little dance to taunt the girl, which only annoyed her further.

matt and nick couldn't help but laugh at chris' antics, and mavis decided there was no winning with him this morning.

she slammed the door, quite literally almost catching his hand, making him let out a yelp.

she climbed into the back seat, sending nick a warm smile, which he returned.

"guess you're stuck with me today." he laughed, knowing she preferred sitting next to matt usually, given that he was her best friend.

"hey, it'll always be a million times better than sitting next to chris." she laughed, looking up to find that chris was flipping her off after her comment.

she returned the action, before starting a conversation with nick in the back while chris blared some loud ass music the whole drive over to the school.

when they pulled up in the parking lot, they made their way over to where the seniors always parked, feeling extra excited to be the head of the school for the year.

"FUCKING SENIORS BABYYYY!" nick screamed over the music as matt pulled into a spot.

matt turned the music down a bit, and just as they were about to talk, chris opened his door immediately.

"dude, where are you going?" matt asked him, confused on why he was in such a rush to get away from the group.

"cara is over there, i have to go say hi." he pointed over towards the blond cheerleader mavis absolutely loathed.

"seriously? she's so fucking obnoxious." mavis glared at the boy as he gave her a deadly look.

"don't say shit like that. you're literally the most obnoxious person on the planet, i don't wanna hear shit out of you about that." he warned her.

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃, chris sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now