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it was almost two in the morning, so james decided he should probably head home for the night, while the rest of the group planned to sleepover at the triplets.

the van pulled up to the house, and everyone climbed out. before james went over to his car, he bent down to place a light kiss on mavis' cheek, sending a crimson tint to the spot he had kissed.

chris bit his tongue as he watched the pair. he didn't really get why, but he wanted her to trust what he said. it was true after all, but he decided that if she was going to ignore him, she would just have to suffer when the time came.

he wondered why he even cared about it, considering he had never really wanted to defend her in any way, but maybe that was because no guy had ever tried to play her like that.

maybe it was because of how long they'd known each other, and the way his mom would have killed him if he hadn't of warned her, but now the situation was really out of his hands.

he did the best he could, and now whatever came her way, was her own fault.

after james drove off in his car to the point where he was out of sight, chris was taken aback when mavis abruptly turned over to him, already pointing her finger out in an accusatory manner.

"okay what the fuck chris!" she poked her finger off his chest.

"what?" he asked, slapping her hand away from his body.

"i literally know you threw that rock at the park! i was gonna get my first fucking kiss and you ruined it!" she complained.

"i didn't do jack shit." chris denied, crossing his arms.

"wait, he tried to kiss you?" briar squealed.

"not right now!" mavis turned to silence the girl. everyone in the group shot each other a knowing look, and headed inside to avoid the blow up that was sure to ensue.

"you're such a fucking liar! honestly, did you really think i wouldn't be able to tell you were the one who did it? why can't you just admit it and stop being a little bitch?" mavis continued to raise her voice, but chris wasn't backing down.

"i told you, i didn't do anything. if you wanna convince yourself i sabotaged you, you can fucking do that. you're actually crazy as fuck mavis! listen to yourself!" he screamed back.

"i'm crazy? i'm not the one going around involving myself in other people's personal shit, and then lying about it afterwards! what is wrong with you?" the redhead fired back.

"god can you just shut the fuck up? you have no idea what you're even talking about, or what the fuck you're doing with james!" chris threw his arms out in frustration.

"i'll do what i want chris, and don't talk to me like that." mavis crossed her arms now, closing herself off from the boy.

"i'll talk to you however the fuck i want to, it's not like you're very respectful with me either." chris laughed comically at her demand.

"can you stop acting like a fucking child?" she scoffed, getting fed up with their argument.

"can you stop acting like one of those bitches that goes for the first guy who shows her any sort of attention?" he spat.

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃, chris sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now